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KkuraChan: Are you free after the store closes tonight?


Chaeyeon paused what she was typing, about to send something to the older girl before she sent that message.

JJaeyeon: I was just going to ask if you were tonight as well lol

KkuraChan: Oh?

JJaeyeon: Yeah

JJaeyeon: Uhhhhhh

KkuraChan: ?

Jjaeyeon: It's my parents

KkuraChan: ???

KkuraChan: Are they alright?

Jjaeyeon: They want to meet you

Chaeyeon watched as three dots kept popping up and disappearing.

KkuraChan: Me???

Jjaeyeon: Yes

KkuraChan: Why me? And why all of a sudden???

Jjaeyeon: I told them that you were the one that helped me out

KkuraChan: Helped you out?

KkuraChan: Like a year ago???

Jjaeyeon: Yeah

Jjaeyeon: I guess Chaer kept telling them that we stayed in touch and we're talking and all that

KkuraChan: Ah, your sister right?

Jjaeyeon: Yeah

KkuraChan: Well shoot I was just gonna ask you out to dinner but now I'm meeting your parents???

The college student slightly flustered from the gamer's text.

Jjaeyeon: If that's fine with you, you don't need to meet them

KKuraChan: I'll come by the store when you close :)

"Who's got you all blushy like that?"

Chaeyeon jumped, struggling to keep holding her phone from the sudden voice behind her.


"You don't even hang out with anyone."

Chaeyeon's eyes dropped after realizing that it was one of her younger sisters.

"When did you come in?"

"Is it that woman?"

"What woman?"

Chaeryeong gave her a look, "that woman you seem to be getting so~~~ close with lately. You know, the one that helped you out when there was a robbery."

"Oh Kkura-chan?"

"You're already on that base with her?"

"Yah that's literally just her name, I've been her friend for a year too."

"Mm 'friend' sure."


Chaeryeong began to walk away from the cashier counter, "hey, Mom and Dad are fine with you liking women, better than staying at home or at work all day."

"Wh- yah."

Ding Dong... Ding Dong...

Chaeryeong snickered as she walked away, and Chaeyeon put up a smile at the customer who came in.

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