2.8 [M]

220 17 18


[M] - Aggressive Tendencies

"See ya later, Yuri-yah."

The hamster softly giggled, hugging the duck before walking out of her car.

"Bye unnie."

Yuri stopped at her front door, waving at Yena as the older girl drove off, waiting outside until her car was out of sight.

She headed inside, seeing that Chaewon was already home from the shoes near the front.

"Why... ... It's all... ... ... Fuck..."

Yuri's head perked up from the distant voice of her sister's, and seeing as though their mother was out, Chaewon was talking to herself.

Chaewon's voice grew closer as Yuri silently walked down the hall, seeing that the older girl's door was slightly ajar.

Yuri hesitated at the entrance, hearing her older sister pace back and forth.

"Damn it damn it damn it!"

The younger girl jumped as she heard something thud against the wall, and she quietly opened the door to reveal Chaewon ruffling up her hair roughly, her back turned against the door to face her desk...

Which had a plethora of scattered papers on it with her handwriting.

Nothing had fallen, no dent in the wall, but she could see that Chaewon's knuckles had started to turn red.

"What the fuck is wrong with me? Minju hates me now! She won't even talk to me or look at me, Nako can't say anything about her because she probably told her not to. Fucking hell."

Chaewon's grip on her hair tightened, and Yuri stepped inside the older girl's room, she didn't seem to notice.

"No... she's been feeling this. Gah- How come I didn't realize sooner?? Nako and Hitomi knew something was wrong, Yuri probably knew something was wrong too!"


Yuri flinched when Chaewon barked a short laugh.

"God I must be going crazy now as w-"

Chaewon paused, her eyes widening in surprise when she turned around.


Although still an iron grip, her hold on her hair slightly loosened.

"Yuri... D-did you just..."

The younger sister walked over, holding Chaewon's hands and gently prying her fingers away from her scalp.

"Don't... hold it so hard..."

"H-holy shit..."

Yuri gave a small smile as she pulled Chaewon's hands away from her head. She hadn't spoken to her family yet, the only person to have heard her voice being Yena up until now, and even then, she barely spoke after that one day...

"You'll end up hurting yourself..."

Yuri held one of Chaewon's hands to see if any bruising had occurred after her punch to the wall, startling when the older girl suddenly brought her into a tight hug.

"Oh my God, Yuri-yah..."

Chaewon pulled her back to arms length before Yuri could return anything back and the younger girl spoke again.

"Hey... unnie..."

Chaewon hugged her again, "your voice... God I haven't heard your voice in so long I thought I was losing it..."

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