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"You seem to be getting closer with her."


Nako glanced over at Minju as the car came to a stop, "over the past two years you've been getting closer with Chaewon-unnie again."

To that, Minju fell silent.

"You're turning red."

"No I'm not."

"Yuri told Hii-chan and I that she caught you too really close on the couch a couple days ago."

A muscle on Minju's mouth twitched, "..."


"Okay we kind of sort of kissed that day."

That caught Nako off guard, "wait you did?"


"On the lips."


"So are you two..."


"Then what are you two?"


"Is this a situationship type of thing?"

"Neither of us want to start dating again."


"And we both agreed that it might be best if we stayed as friends."

Minju weakly chuckled, "I'm sure you remember, we started dating really quickly after we met in high school."

"Yeah it took you two only a couple weeks before you guys were up in each other's business."

Minju flustered up from how Nako worded yet, "so, we're starting over slowly, I don't know what's going to happen but we're not gonna try to date anytime soon."

"So why'd you guys kiss."





"I have no idea."

"Was that the only time?"


"So you guys are gonna be like- friends with benefits or something until you two start dating again."

Minju stared, mouth agape, at her best friend.

"I'm kidding."






Minju ruffled her hair back, looking away from Nako's stare, "it was just impulse."

"Who kissed who?"

"Both of us did."

Nako sighed, shaking her head, "don't get hurt again when I'm gone, unnie."

"I won't."

Minju exited the car alongside Nako, raising her voice slightly so the younger girl could hear through the loud bustling of people.

"Stay safe okay? Text me when you get there."

"I will!"

The two shared a hug, Nako pulling away when she heard a sound from her phone.

"Ah- Hii-chan's already inside."

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