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"You aren't tired, Yena?"

"I'm okay Eomma, don't worry about me."

Yena smiled, "I'll be going now though, I told them I'd meet them there at five."

Her father nodded, "drive safe okay?"

"I will~ Bye Eomma, Appa~"

Yena headed to her car, texting Yuri that she was heading over to the restaurant they'd eat at before starting to drive.

She had a small little something in the passenger seat of her car, and she had a little bit of hope for what she would do after they finished eating...

The drive was relatively quick since she was going with the flow of traffic, and soon enough the duck had arrived at the restaurant.

While parking she had realized that she was near Chaewon's car, and the first thing she saw when walking inside was the trio waiting in the small lobby of the restaurant.


Yena smiled at the worker, "thank you!"


The duck grinned as Yuri walked over, giving the older girl a hug, "awe hey Yuri-yah~"

The two walked to where Chaewon and Minju watched, Yena nodding at them both.

"Hey Chaewon-ah and... Minju, right?"

"Yeah that's me, hello."

"Hey unnie."

"Table for four?"

"Ah- nae."

The group followed the waiter to an empty table, thanking them as they got started with drinks first.

"How was the mall? Sorry I couldn't come earlier with you guys."

"Ah it's okay unnie, don't worry about it we can go together next time."

Yuri nodded, "you aren't too tired right, you spent the whole day with your family and all..."

"Nah I'm good, it wasn't tiring at all."

The group of four began to talk as they waited for their food to arrive, doing a mixture of talking and eating while trying not to be too loud as they continued on their dinner...




"Waaa that was good~"

"Yeahh it was."

The group bowed in respect to the workers before leaving, their walk ambling to a stop in front of Chaewon's car.

"I'm glad you could find parking."

Yena chuckled, "so am I, how convenient that there was a spot nearby you guys."

Her laugh eased into a smile, "thanks for inviting me today, the food was really good."

"Of course!"

"You're welcome anytime unnie."

As they made light chatter before heading home, Yena stayed quiet, her eyes flickering to Yuri every now and then, which the older sister noticed.

"Unnie, is something wrong?"

"Huh? Oh no nothing's wrong... But..."

Yena fully looked at Yuri, "can I talk to you alone real quick?"


"I have something for you in my car as well."

"You do?"

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