3 YEARS AGO: CHAPTER 1 || 2017 ||

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Chan: 22

Minho: 21

Changbin: 20

Hyunjin: 19

Han: 19

Felix: 19

Seungmin: 19

Jeongin: 18


JEONGIN had just graduated a week ago, the older boys were proud of their little maknae for graduating.

Han suggested to go on a road trip to Busan, Jeongin's hometown to surprise his parents and brothers, since unfortunately they couldn't make it.

Although, Jeongin didn't mind since he understood.

So everyone agrees and before they knew it, they were in a small, grey mini van on their way to Busan.

Halfway through the road, fog appeared.


"YAH Han. I didn't know there was going to be any fog. Is it going to rain?" Chan asked, squinting his eyes trying to see where the road was leading to.

Han opened the weather app and shook his head, "no. It said it's supposed be sunny throughout the whole ride." Han frowned as he read.

"We're going to die." Seungmin joked, Felix smacked his shoulder, "don't joke around like that. It's not funny," Felix pouted.

Hyunjin swallowed the chips in his mouth, "how about you just pull over and just wait for the fog to disappear?" He nonchalantly suggested.

Chan hummed and nodded, "I want to, but I literally can't see anything." He crouched his head lower moving his head forward.

Changbin sighed, "okay, then just like put your headlights on or something?" He also suggested.

Jeongin side eyed him, "no wonder you don't have your driver license." The youngest muttered. "Yah! I failed once!" Changbin chock held Jeongin.

Jeongin laughed and try to fight back, "guys! Stop it! I'm trying to focus!" Chan yelled, but Changbin and Jeongin couldn't hear.

Hyunjin was busy eating and watching a movie on his phone.

Minho was asleep.

Changbin and Jeongin were fighting.

Felix was looking outside, scared for his life.

Seungmin was scrolling through instagram.

"Guys! Chan said stop!" Felix shouted, making Changbin and Jeongin stop.

The two breathed heavily as they fixed their clothes, "hyung, just make a u-turn and pull over." Felix stated in a shaky voice.

Chan looked up at them from the rear view mirror, then nodded in determination.

He took a deep breath and tried to get a good look of his surroundings. After a while, he pressed the accelerator and quickly made a u-turn.

But it was too late.

A loud, long beep came crashing right into them, a truck.

The van flipped over three times, and landed upside down.

Chan was hanging from his seat, upside down but his seatbelt was holding him. Blood covering his face, and head.

Minho was seated in the passenger seat, same position as Chan, still asleep but lifeless. Dead. He was pale, and blood spilling from the back of his head.

Chan couldn't see the rest clearly. Just himself and Minho.

He heard ambulance from a distance, he was loosing blood quick, but he still managed to cry.

Chan looked at Minho beside him, then try and turn to look at the rest behind him but he couldn't move, he was stuck and also hurt.

He only remembered seeing Felix from the corner of his eyes.

His worst memory yet.

It was Felix, a sharp glass stabbed in his stomach, as he bled out.

Chan cried, and it felt like everything was in slow motion.

"No!" Chan cried, he looked down at his shaky hands, it was covered in blood too, it's either his own blood or it's the others or both.

The police, ambulance and firefighters came, and helped the car turn upright again.

The paramedics took the boys on separate stretchers. Chan was having irregular breathing problems.

They (paramedics) kept on giving Chan CPR throughout the whole way to the hospital, he'd breath again then stop. And so on.

At the hospital, Chan remembered waking up in a hospital room, a needle injected in his arm, him in a hospital gown, covered with blankets and a water bottle next to him.

The hospital room door opened, revealing a nurse with a doctor and a clipboard in his arms.


THE doctor walked up to him, "hello sir," he gave Chan a quick smile and shook his hand. To get it over and down with, Chan shook his hand back.

"Where's my friends? Are they safe?" He coughed. The nurse opened the water bottle, and handed him as he took a sip.

The doctor haves out a sigh, it made Chan's heart drop, "tell me what happened!" Chan cried.

"They didn't make it..." the doctor informed with a sympathetic look on his face. Chan shook his head in disbelief, "no. No. Tell me you're kidding... tell me you're fucking kidding!" He shouted.

Unfortunately, the doctor shook his head, "I'm sorry, Mr. Bang."

Chan held his hair, "it's all my fault. It's all my fault." He whispered to himself.

He glared at the doctor, "did you even try and help them?!" He yelled.

The nurse replied, "yes we did, you were the only one breathing," she stated with a sympathetic smile.

Chan continued to shake his head in disbelief, his body was shaking, "it's all my fault. It's all my fault." He whimpered.

The nurse stood up walking near Chan, "sir. You need to calm dow-"

"- don't tell me to fucking calm down! My fucking best friends died! All of them are dead... they're gone..." his chest rose heavily.

She sighed, "and I understand but if you don't calm down, your breathing will become irregular again." Chan shot his head up at her, "a-again?" A tear strolled down his eyes.

The nurse nodded, "you kept on breathing then stopping." Chan leaned his head against the headboard, licking his dry lips.

"Why didn't you let me die?" He glances at her, the nurse's eyes widened, "Mr. Bang! We're not allowed to do that! We're supposed to take care of injured people!" She said, obviously caught off guard by his question.

Chan shrugged, "I'm aware, but let me die. Now. Just find a way to kill me. Give me poison. Take me to jail so that they can get me executed, if that's still even allowed. Just say I killed someone or just make a brutal situation and tell the police. I don't care. I just want to die."

The nurse's expression softened, she pressed the red button, Chan's face hardened, "what are you doing?" He asked in a stern voice.

The nurse gulped, "just getting some food for you, 'Kay?" She lied, Chan clenched his jaw, "do you think I'm some idiot?! You're obviously calling someone!" He tried getting up but his body was too weak.

She took a step back, and rose her hand in surrender, "sir. I'm only doing what's right for you." Then she walked closer to him.

Chan cried again as he tried to get up, the nurse poked him with a needle and everything went blurry, and he became unconscious.

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