Chapter 32

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THE next day arrived, and eventually, the boys arrived over to Chan's house with their luggages.


"YOU guys are kidding, right?" Chan stated in a shaky voice as he stood outside with the luggages in his hand.

He stared at the members and the same van they had before the car accident, just brand new.

The boys shook their head, Jeongin leaned against the van with his arms crossed.

"We think it's a great way to get over your trauma." Seungmin said with a smug face. Chan nervously chuckled and quickly shook his head.

"Ah... but, actually, I'm, um..." he looked at Minho. "Minho, can't you drive?" Chan asked with a bit of a desperate voice.

Minho hummed, "I can." He shortly replied. Chan's face lit up, "gre-"

"-but I don't want to." Minho cut him off. Immediately, Chan's smile lowered. Felix sighed and took Chan's suitcase, putting it in the trunk.

"C'mon, Chan... just a little? Till we reach the freeway." Hyunjin suggested. Chan nervously but his lip.

"I'll take over from there." Changbin proudly smiled. Jeongin side-eyed him, "says the person who wanted to turn on the lights during fog." He mumbled.

Changbin shot his head at Jeongin. "I failed my driver's license once!" Changbin spread his arms open.

"I was surprised you managed to pass the second one." Jeongin smirked. "Yah!" Changbin said and held Jeongin in a chokehold.

Jeongin laughed as he tried to get out of Changbin's grip by squirming.

Minho sighed and shook his head. He placed a hand on Chan's shoulder, Chan turned his gaze to Minho.

"Just till we reach the freeway, and I'll take over." Minho said in a reassuring tone.

He took a deep breath and looked back up at the members, then nodded in determination.

The boys smiled and entered the van, as Chan climbed into the driver's seat and Minho next to him.

Behind them was Han, Jeongin and Changbin, and behind them was Hyunjin, Felix and Seungmin.

They all sat in the same spots as before.

Chan's shaky hand took the key and inserted it in the ignition, and he turned the car on.

Chan cracked his knuckles, neck and back. "Okay, you got this, Chan." He mumbled to himself.

He placed his hand on the steering wheel, he was about to push the gas, when turned around and looked at the members.

Chan exhaled a shaky sigh, "are you sure, you guys trust m-?"

"-yes!" They yelled in unison. Chan turned red from embarrassment and raised his hands in surrender, "damn, okay, okay. No need for the sudden aggression." He stated with a bit of annoyance and rolled his eyes.

Chan cracked his back again, and nodded to himself. And he drove.

The members cheered and clapped, "look at you, hyung!" Han praised. Chan blushed and smiled as he got more comfortable driving.

Chan felt a weight lifted off his shoulder. Minho smiled proudly and connected Bluetooth to the car as he played music.

And then leaned his head back, closing his eyes.

Chan's smiled dropped as he glanced twice at Minho.

Before the accident, Minho was asleep.

He felt a bit tense, and but tried to stay calm for the others.

Chan got near to the freeway. Changbin stretched, "well, let me get ready to drive." He groaned as he stretched further.

Jeongin scoffed, "you're keeping your ass on this seat." Jeongin ordered. Changbin stopped stretching and looked at Jeongin.

"I'll pretend you're not talking to me." He ignored then continued stretching. Jeongin smirked, "you're the only one I'm looking at." The youngest replied with a cocky tone.

Chan began panicking, his forehead was slightly sweating.

Before the accident, Jeongin and Changbin were fighting.

Hyunjin cackled as he opened a packet of chips and got comfy in his seat as he held his phone, and wore his AirPods, and he watched a movie.

Before the accident, Hyunjin was eating a packet of chips and watching a movie.

Changbin narrowed his eyes, "I swear, Yang Jeongin-" Changbin held Jeongin's collar and was about to throw a fist.

"Guys! Stop!" Chan yelled in frustration, making the whole car silent. Changbin let go of Jeongin's collar and rested back on his seat and Jeongin laughed.

"I laugh we crash again." Seungmin joked. Felix smacked his shoulder, "not the time, Seungmin." Felix frowned.

Before the accident, Seungmin joked about dying as Felix smacked his shoulder and told him not to say that.

Seungmin rolled his eyes and went back to scrolling through instagram.

Something Seungmin also did before the accident.

Chan's breathing heaved, and his grip on the steering wheel tightened.

Right before the freeway, Chan pulled over, pressing the brakes making everyone lean forward then back again.

Everyone's attention turned to Chan. Chan was sweating profusely-his back, forehead, legs- he shook Minho to wake him up.

Minho's eyes shot open and he turned to Chan, then took in his surroundings.

"Take the wheel... please." Chan begged. Minho leaned forward and stretched, fixing his hair, he stretched them nodded.

Chan immediately opened the door and exited, quickly walking to the passenger seat. Minho and Chan exchanged seats.

And as soon as Chan got in the passenger seat, he put his seatbelt on, and gripped onto it, licking his lips and gulping. He turned on the air conditioning, and calmed his breathing.

Minho sighed before continuing the drive to the train station.

This Deja-vu was too much for Chan.

The train ticket, Violet, the van, the way the members acted...

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