Chapter 20

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God, Chan felt so childish at that moment. But that's what love can do to a person.



CHAN was casually on his phone playing a game since he had nothing better to do with his life.

Then, he felt a presence in front of him, sitting on the seat in front of him. Chan glanced up at the person, then back down at the phone.

Once he realised who it was, his eyes widened and he switched off his phone, leaving it face flat down on the table.

"H-Hazel! Hi!" Chan greeted and cleared his throat. Hazel chucked and waved her hand, "hey Chan." Her honey voice greeted back.

Chan found her voice to be like music to him. She wore baggy jeans, with a black top and small hoop earrings.

Her light brown hair fell over her shoulders, her hazel eyes were shining to due to the sunlight from outside, and her freckles were more noticeable.

Blush spread across Chan's face.

"Y-You look pretty, Hazel." Chan complimented feeling a bit more comfortable around her. Hazel smiled and looked down. "Thank you, Chan. You too."

Chan laughed and looked down at his clothes, "me? I'm only wearing a sweatpants and sweater." He nervously chuckled.

Hazel shrugged, "so? You still look good-to me." Chan's legs began to bounce up and down again. He straightened his posture and rested his forearms on the table.

"Thank you." He whispered. Hazel hummed and nodded.

"So, are you also going to Busan?" Chan questioned as he tilted his head. Hazel shook her head, "nope. I'm just working here as a shift. Are you going to Busan?"

Chan bobbed his head, "yep but I'm getting off next stop then I'll drive there." He responded. Hazel followed Chan's position and she rested her forearms on the table.

"If you don't mind me asking, why? Visiting family? Friends?" She queried. Chan gulped and licked his lips, "v-visiting friends! I haven't seen them for a long time." He slightly laughed.

Hazel's lips form a smile, Chan glanced down at her lips as they make a smile. He looked up at her eyes, and straightened his posture again.

"Oh! Seems fun! How long has it been since you've seen them?" She laid her cheek on her hand.

God, this girl was driving Chan insane.

"3 years." Chan answered in a shaky voice but managed to keep it calm. He cleared his throat, "so where are you from Hazel?"

Hazel's smile never left her face, "I was born here in Korea but I grew up in America." Chan hummed and nodded, "you?"

Chan sighed, "I was also born in Korea but I grew up in Australia." Hazel laughed and high-five Chan due to them having a similar background. He smiled and high-five her back.

He wanted to hold her hand for as long as he could. Kiss those lips. Just kiss her on her face, neck, collarbone, ches-

"I could tell. Your Australian accent his quite strong." Hazel stated. Chan looked up from her collarbone to her eyes. "You think so? I knew I had a accent but I didn't know it was that strong." He laughed.

Hazel joined his laughter, "it's okay. It's um... cute." She softly said, blushing. Chan smile softened, "really? Thank you. I like your American accent." Chan turned red from making such a compliment. Hazel continued to laugh, "thank you."

Silence filled the conversation for a second.

"Can I get your number?" Chan bursted out. Without hesitation, Hazel took out her phone and before he knew it, Chan was already typing down his number in her phone.

He handed it back to her with a smile. To confirm it, Hazel texted Chan a 'hi :)' and Chan saved her contact.

The intercom goes off indicating that the people that'll be leaving next stop should be ready to go.

Chan sadly sighed, "I hope to see you again, Hazel." He said with a genuine tone. The train comes to a stop and they both stood up.

"Me too. Just text me so we can meet again." She puts her phone into her back pocket. Chan smiled and held out his hand for a hand shake.

Hazel looked down at his hand, and walked closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

Chan's eyes opened but he slowly melt into the hug, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Sadly, they pulled away. Hazel tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Stay safe, Hazel." Chan picked up his bag throwing it over his shoulder, and holding the suitcase in his hand. Hazel nodded and waved. "You too, Chan."

Chan stepped down the train and glanced at her before waving and walking off to the exit of the train station.

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