Chapter 33

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The train ticket, Violet, the van, the way the members acted...



CHAN rested his cheek on his palm as he looked outside at the view.

The train speeding through the train tracks, passing by beautiful green grass with tall mountains.

This also reminded Chan of the time he first went.

The members were all talking, sleeping, on their phones. Just keeping themselves busy, but Chan was looking outside, keeping his gaze on the view and deep down in his thoughts.

Chan's thoughts were broken by the feeling of a tap on his shoulder. Chan raised his cheek from his palm and turned his head to the person who tapped him.

His heart beat increased, he felt breathless, and his cheeks turned red and warm. A smile formed on his face.

"Hazel..." he whispered. He looked at her as if she was the only one there. Chan liked her so much-a classic 'love at first sight'.

Hazel awkwardly smiled, it was clear to tell that the girl was a bit shocked he knew her name but then she remembered she had her name tag on.

Chan stared at her, not wanting to remove his eyes away. And oh, how she looked so lovingly like how he remembered.

Her voice was still like honey, her pink lips that would make Chan swoon whenever she smiled.

Her light brown hair that Chan wanted to run his fingers through.

Her Hazel eyes that Chan could stare forever in and get lost in.

Her freckles Chan wanted to caress with his thumb whenever he wanted to hold her cheek.

Her figure Chan wanted to hold.

This was Chan's first love, and he wasn't afraid to admit it.

The members and Hazel all looked at Chan, there was silence, no one daring to break the silence.

The members caught on, and could tell Chan liked this girl. They also remembered when Chan told them about his "dream" and how he spoke about Hazel.

Finally, Hazel broke the silence;

"Sir? Would you like something to eat?" She asked as her grip firmly held onto the food cart.


"How old are you, Hazel?" Chan randomly asked. Hazel blankly blinked before letting out a shy smile, Chan placed a hand on his chest feeling his heart melt.

Chan wasn't scared to hide his love for this woman.

"I'm 27, sir." Hazel replied with gentle voice.

Last time he saw her was when she was 24...

He nervously chuckled, "please, call me Chan." Hazel laughed and nodded, "well, Chan. Would you like something to eat?"

She looked at the cart, "we have Avocado, Chicken and may-"

"-the Avocado, Chicken and Mayo sandwich, please." He kindly smiled. Hazel lightly laughed and handed him the packet of sandwich.

Chan gently took the packet, his hand brushing against hers and he immediately felt tingles through his whole body.

He saw Hazel also blush herself.

"And to drink?" Hazel asked. She kept eye contact with him, Chan's hand moved to the end of his hoodie and he began to fidget with the fabric.

Chan kept on looking into her eyes for a few seconds, before clearing his throat, "a water will be fine." He mumbled, still looking at her every move.

Hazel took a bottle of water and handed it to him.

Chan continued to watch her with an idiotic smile on his face as he watched her serve the rest of the members.

She politely smiled and waved at them. He slowly waved back and watched her till she disappeared.

Chan looked down at his lap as he blushed. He sensed the eyes of the members causing him to look up.

"W-W-What?" Chan awfully stuttered. All he saw was smirks on the boys' faces, which made him blush even more.

He childishly giggled, god, he felt like a child. His face was cramping from that smile on his face.

"I-I could've sworn I saw your eyes turned into heart." Felix teased. Chan bit his lip as he continued to fidget with the edge of his hoodie.

"S-So?" He smiled, his legs bouncing up and down.

The members laughed at his behaviour, making Chan's smile drop and roll his eyes.

"I'm not laughing." Chan said with an annoying tone which made the members laugh more.

StrayKids was always loud when laughing... or just, in general.

People shot them a few stares and dirty looks. Some members noticed and their laughing stopped meanwhile the loudest members of the group (Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin and Jeongin) were too oblivious to notice.

As expected, their laughter died down. Chan kept his eyes on his lap as he turned red from embarrassment.

"G-Guys, it's not funny. You should've seen how she looked at me! I-I mean, she waved at me!" Chan tried to make a point.

"You're delusional, Chan." Han snorted.


Chan frowned. "Imma go talk to her." He bravely said. The members exchanged glances and began laughing again.

The oldest gave them dirty looks, and rolled his eyes.

"Watch. I'll get her number, then I'll be the one laughing." He crossed his arms with his shoulders slumped.

Hyunjin sniffed and dried his tears, "we're not saying you won't get her number, we're laughing at how you're acting." They chuckled.

"I mean, we all know you'll get her number. It happened before, right?" Seungmin questioned.

Seungmin's words echoed in Chan's head. It did happen but it was only in his mind.

"Yeah..." he whispered, and they all began eating.

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