Chapter 31

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Chan's eyes fluttered before he gave a side smile, "yay." He cheered with a flat and plain voice.


IT was a day before Chan's trip with the boys. He packed his clothes, and was ready to leave the moment Minho came knocking on his door-


SOMEONE knocked on his door.

"Hm?" Chan hummed to himself and walked to the door, slowly opening it. He peeked his head out and the moment he saw the figure, his eyes widened.

"V-Violet!" He exclaimed. And it was indeed Violet. She wasn't the young 12 year old he remembered. She was taller, older, more stylish, her hair was shorter than Chan last saw her.

Her eyes were still brown, with freckles still scattered on her nose and cheeks.

Her brown hair was now dyed Violet-how ironic.

Violet awkwardly smiled and waved. "Hey! Um, I heard what happened to you." She softly said.

Chan's eyes slightly widened from the change of her voice. It was the same young voice but more mature.

"Yeah... yeah." Chan sighed and shook his head. Violet nodded, "I'm sorry that happened. My family and I have been praying for you." She smiled.

Chan looked at her, his expression softening. Her smile was still the same, Chan felt his heart melting.

"Oh, thank you. I guess you guys' praying helped!" Chan joked and chuckled to lighten up the dull atmosphere. Violet laughed and shoved her hands in her pockets.

"So, what's your name?" She asked as she tilted her head. Chan instantly got Deja-Vu.

"Chan." Chan smiled, Violet returned the smile. "Nice to meet you, Chan. I'm Violet." He gently shook her hand and nod.

He wanted to say "I know" but he didn't want to sound like a creep.

"Can I call you uncle Chan or...?" She trialed off as their hands separate. Chan gasped and quickly shook his head, "no! No! Please don't!" He chuckled in embarrassment.

Violet laughed, "sorry, sorry." She raised her hands in surrender. Chan's lips formed into a smile, "do I look old to you?" He teased as he raised a playful eyebrow, and placed his hands on his hips.

She continued to laugh and shake her head, "what?! No, never!" She lightly chuckled. Chan laughed along with her contagious laughter.

"Well then how old do I look to you, Violet?" Chan teased. Violet took a good look at him, analysing his features.

"Hmm... 20?" She joked. Chan scoffed and rolled his eyes, "don't boost my ego like that." He smiled.

"C'mon, for real now, how old do you think I actually am?" He repeated his question.

Violet went back to analysing him, "35?" She guessed. Chan's cheeks turned red. "No, actually I think you should keep my ego boosted." Chan nervously chuckled.

She laughed again, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. You tell me, Chan. How old are you?" She mocked his question back.

Chan sighed, "I'm 28..." Violet paused, then shrugged, "not bad for an old man." She smirked as she played around. Chan gasped, and his cheeks turned more red.

"Luckily, you're not my child. I would've beaten you up." Chan kept his teasing tone.

Violet smirked and crossed her arms, "luckily for me, I am not your child, so you can't beat me up."

Chan's eyes narrowed, as he raised his eyebrows, "is that a challenge, Violet...?" She sighed and put a hand on her hip.

"I could literally shout "abuse" or "help" out loud right now, and everyone would look at you." She narrowed her eyes as well.

Chan's jaw dropped and his eyes opened, "you little-" Chan forced a smile. "Still playful like how I remembered, Violet." he mumbled to himself.

She tilted her head, "hm?" She questioned in a confused tone. Chan looked up at her and shook his head. "No, nothing." He assured.

Violet nodded and sighed, "well, Chan, I have to get going back to my parents. My sister is going on her daily trip."

Chan's eyes perked up as he mentioned the word "sister".

"Sister? You have a sister?" Chan played dumb. She hummed, "Hazel, is her name." Chan felt his heart beats faster, his cheeks turning red.

He thought about her soft and long brown hair, with her hazel eyes, and her light freckles. Chan felt shivers down his spine as he remembered her honey voice.

"O-ooh... d-daily trip, you say? What's that about...?" He breathy asked, feeling breathless from how hard his heart was beating.

Violet shrugged, "she works on a train. It's her job. Serving people... but on the train." She chuckled, and shook her hand.

"But yeah." She heavily sighed. Chan's ears turned red, he remembered every second of that moment when he met Hazel before.

"Violet!" Someone called her from behind. Chan's eyes went behind Violet, and she turned around.

It was her mom.
Violet definitely looked like her mom.

Violet glanced at Chan, and waved. "Oh- sorry, I have to go." She bid with a rushed tone. Chan softly smiled and wave.

Suddenly, Violet ran up to Chan and hugged him, wrapping her arms around his torso, with her head resting on his chest and her eyes closed.

Chan's body froze, but his arms wrapped around her gently as he hugged her back. He remembered the first time he hugged her.

He was crouched down on one knee, and her short arms around his neck as he gently patted her back.

Chan sighed into the hug and Violet pulled away. "Bye, Chan!" She yelled as she walked down the front porch stairs.

Chan pressed his lips into a thin line and waved, shoving his hands in the pockets of his hoodie as he watched her cross the street, alone.

The first time: he crossed the street with her, holding her hand.

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