Chapter 7

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Minho laughed, "because that would be a mess."



"ARE you guys in my head?" Chan randomly asked, "yep." Changbin answered.

Chan covered his eyes with the back of his hand as he looked up at the stars.

"But your presence is here? Are you guys looking at me right now?" He continued to asked, "yeah we are." Han answered.

Chan gasped, "where?!" He sat up straight looking at their graves.

"Minho, Felix, Jeongin and I are on your left." Seungmin exposed, "Changbin, Hyunjin and Han are on your left."

Chan's faces lightened up. He turned his gaze to the right and waved and the same with the left even though he can't see them.

"You've grown a lot, hyung." Jeongin said, Chan felt his heart melt hearing Jeongin's sweet, honey voice.

"Your voice still sounds the same, Innie." Chan stated with a soft smile, Felix chuckled, "you know, you look really weird talking to yourself, mate."

Chan laughed, "I couldn't care." He stood up and began walking home, "so I can go wherever and you guys are with me?" Chan questioned with a hopeful voice.

Hyunjin hummed, "mhm. We're with you. Always. Every part of the day." Chan's face turned bitter, "even in the shower?" He whispered.

The boys gasped, "what?! No!" Changbin yelled, Chan sighed of relief, "okay, good. I know Seungmin always liked to walk in on us showering." Chan smiled as he recalled.

Seungmin bursted out laughing along with Chan, "I'll never forget the day he walked in on me, on purpose!" Hyunjin scoffed.

Minho giggled, "I see my dad gave you the headphones." Chan looked down at the headphones in his hands, he tightens his grip.

"Yeah. Were you there too?" Chan teased with a smirk, "yeah I was." Minho answered.

Chan's expression dropped, "oh. Haha..." he embarrassedly chuckled, "how old are you, hyung?" Han asked.

For a quick second, Chan forgot his age.

"Oh! 25!" Chan remembered. The members gasped in horror, "old man!" Felix exclaimed. "We got a grandpa in the house!" Seungmin yelled. "Someone is getting old!" Hyunjin teased.

Chan smiled, they haven't changed a bit. Their voices, personality and he's assuming their faces too.

Chan frowned and scoffed, "whatever." The boys bursted out laughing making Chan laugh.

"I miss you guys," Chan stuffed his hand in his pocket as he confessed, "we miss you too, hyung." Jeongin replied.

He sighed and looked down at the pavement as he walked home, "I wish I could see you guys..." he trailed off.

The members didn't respond.

Chan raised a brow, "hey. Are you guys still there?" He asked. He could hear soft snoring.

"The dead sleeps?" He asked himself, "yes. We do." Minho answered, Chan made an 'O' shape with his mouth.

(Lovies, I don't really know if the dead sleeps lol 💀)

"This feels so funky~" Chan giggled, Minho chuckled then sighed afterwards.

"How's my mom and dad, Chan?" Minho asked with a sad tone. Chan could just imagine Minho frowning as he asked that.

Chan sighed, "they're doing well... still trying to recover." Chan softly responded, Minho hummed, "you should tell them I miss them."

Chan laughed, "that would just be weird. Imagine me visiting and be like: "Minho said he misses you." Don't you think?" He tilted his head as he unlocked his house door.

"Yeah. Right." Minho agreed with a sad voice, Chan frowned, "Minho... what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything right?"

Minho sniffed, "I-I know... I just really miss everything there." Chan's frown deepened.

"Are you sure there isn't anything I can do to see you guys again?" Chan asked, Minho sniffed and chuckled, "you could die?" Minho offered.

Chan opened his mouth to say anything but nothing fell out, he closed his mouth. A few seconds of thinking, he responded, "anything, but dying." He let out an innocent smile.

Minho laughed, "I don't think so..." He stopped, Chan's face turned sour, "wow..." he scoffed.

Chan turned off all the lights in his room and jumped on his bed.

"You should sleep Minho." Chan recommended as he looked up at the ceiling, Minho yawned, "yeah. I should."

Chan snuggled into his blankets, making himself comfortable, "goodnight Chan." Minho whispered.

"Goodnight Minho. I love you. I miss you." He could hear Minho smile, "I love you too. I miss you too."

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