Chapter 22

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A/N: if you're wondering why this chapter is long, it's because there's a lot of pictures 😭

Chan gasped sitting up for air. He looked around the room, finding himself back in his room at the motel.



"FELIX! Lix?! Mate?!" Chan called out for Felix. No response. Not a word, not a sound. It was so quiet that Chan thought he went deaf.

He turned his gaze down to his body, analysing if he found any sign of gun shot or blood.

Chan sighed in relief once he realised there wasn't anything.

"Oh thank god." Chan breathed out. "Felix?" He called out for Felix again but gently this time.

"Minho? Changbin? Hyunjin?" He began to call out for the rest. Yet, still no response. "Han? Seungmin? Jeongin?"


Chan sat on the edge of the bed, his hand digging through his hair, his hands were shaking furiously and his leg bouncing up and down.

He exhaled and rubbed his face in frustration. "What do I do. What do I do." He audibly whispered to himself.

After a while of thinking, Chan got up and walked to his luggage, grabbing some clothes and walked into the bathroom.

He desperately needed a hot shower. It was the only way to calm him down.


CHAN was already in bed, he was laying on his side, staring at the wall.

He was wondering how to fix all of this. What if the boys are imposters? He travelled all the way to a place he didn't know... just to meet them.

Chan did tell himself he'd do anything to see the boys, but now he thought it was going too far.

He thought maybe he should just leave. But he was so close to seeing them.

His mind went back to that dream-if it was a dream. He wondered if one of the Felix's were real, or they both were fake.

Chan held his hair and whined in frustration. He needed to ease his pain.

Loud music was heard from a distance. Chan furrowed his eyebrows and swung the blankets off him.

He opened the curtain, he narrowed his eyes and saw flashing lights. His face lightened up. "A club." He told himself.

In an instant, Chan wore black jeans and kept his black shirt on, he grabbed his room card and phone and he dashed for the club.


CHAN entered the club. Flashing lights everywhere, music so loud he could feel his chest vibrate, he glanced at the dance floor where people were dancing, grinding against each other.

He pushed past people as he made his way towards the bar. Once he reached, he rested against the table on his forearm and looked at the bartender.

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