Chapter 8

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"Goodnight Minho. I love you. I miss you." He could hear Minho smile, "I love you too. I miss you too."



AS soon as Chan got up, he got ready and dashed over to Leo's place to tell him.

He banged on Leo's front door with a bright smile on his face.

Leo opened the door with a messy hair and he rubbed his eyes, "Chan- what are you doing here?"

Chan shook his hand in excitement, he pushed past Leo and turned to look at him.

His cousin closed the door and crossed his arms with a fed up face.

"Chan. What are you doing?-" Felix asked, Chan didn't listen and ignored him. "Hyung, you cannot tell anyo-" before Jeongin could finish, Chan yelled.

"The boys! I can hear them!" Chan exclaimed, the boys sighed. Leo looked at Chan dumbfounded and blinking blankly at him.

"You freaking idiot." Minho scoffed. Chan was confused on why they seemed so mean about telling this exciting news.

"Why?" He asked them, Leo looked at Chan and how he communicated with himself, or that's what it looked like from his point of view.

"Because! Now he'll think you're crazy!" Minho said as he groaned in annoyance. Chan's expression dropped. "Oh." He mumbled looking down.

Leo continued to study his cousin, he narrowed his eyes, "great. Now he's looking at us." Seungmin sighed.

Chan looked up at his cousin, he nervously chuckled not knowing what to say. Hyunjin yawned, "guys, what's going on?" He asked.

"Chan just told Leo that he can hear us speak," Changbin informed Hyunjin about what's going on.

Hyunjin whined, "Channie Hyungg, why would you do that?" He whined louder. Chan raised his hand in surrender, "I didn't think about it! I found it normal!" He defended himself.

Minho scoffed, "clearly."

Chan continued to talk with the boys, totally forgetting his cousin was watching him.

"Mate, he's still looking at us." Felix reminded, Chan shot his head up at Leo.

Chan cleared his throat, "we... I mean me! I should get going." He walked towards the door, Leo tightly held his wrist.

"We're screwed." Han said in defeat, "no. I'll fix this." Chan replied with a determined voice.

"How did this happen?" Leo questioned Chan but he just shrugged, "I was just listening to music and they just started talking to me." He answered truthfully

Leo narrowed his eyes at the younger cousin, Chan gulped and Leo removed his grip from Chan's wrist.

"Wait here." He ordered. Chan nodded and he watched his cousin disappear into a room.

"Run." Minho spoke up, Chan's eyes widened, "no! Why would I?" He sat on the couch.

"Chan! Do you not realise what's he's about to do?!" Changbin yelled.

He shook his head, "no..." he trailed off, "he's gonna put us- you! In a mental hospital!" Han warned.

Chan gasped and realised, he quickly stood up, panicking about to do next, he looked around the room.

Leo can be heard from a distance, switching off the light from his room.

"Chan? You still there?" Leo called out as he found Chan panicking. As soon as Chan saw Leo, he stood there with an innocent smile.

Leo was dressed in more causal clothes and not in his pajamas. Leo raised his eyebrow in suspicion, "let's go."

He grabbed the car keys and opened the front door for Chan.

Chan swallowed and walked out as Leo locked the front door and entered the driver's seat of the car and Chan sitting on the passenger's seat next to him.

They both put their seatbelts on and Leo started the engine.

"Ask where we're going." Seungmin said. Chan licked his dry lips and glanced at his cousin, "w-where are we going?" Chan asked in a shaky voice.

Leo sighed, "can you still hear them?" He questioned, ignoring Chan's question. Chan nodded, "yeah." He answered.

He heard the boys slap their forehead making his eyes widen and shake his head.

"No! No!" Chan yelled causing to Leo flinch, "where are we going?" Chan repeated the same question.

Leo nervously bit his lips, "don't get mad..." he took a deep breath. "Here we go boys." Seungmin prepared. "Chan... I'm taking you to a mental hospital-"

"-what?!" Chan screamed, "no! You can't do that!" He took off his seatbelt. Leo glanced at him, and put his arm across him to prevent him from exiting.

"Stop moving! We'll crash!" Leo scolded, Chan paused, "don't take me to a mental hospital! Please! I'm not lying, I can hear them!" He begged.

Leo shook his head, "I'm sorry Chan. Just until we see what we can do with you." Chan's expression softened, "do with me? Do I look like some object to you?!" He shouted.

Leo sighed, "no Chan. It's just-"

"-I don't care! I'm not going." He glared at Leo. His cousin clenched his jaw.

Leo have finally lost his patience.

"You're going Chan. End of discussion," Leo stated with a stern voice, "I'll run away." Chan scoffed.

Leo pulled over at the mental hospital and held onto the steering wheel, "I swear to god if you leave that building, there will be no happiness from here on." The older lectured.

Chan gasped, along with the members, "I've never seen Leo so mad..." Changbin spoke up. Chan nodded in agreement. Leo furrowed his brows in confusion, "you're still hearing them?!" He shouted.

Chan flinched, "so what if I am?!" He yelled back, Leo poked his tongue in his cheek. He opened the car door and slammed it behind him. He then walked over to Chan's side and open the door.

"Let's go." He harshly said, Chan shook his head, "no." He refused, "Chan I said let's go!" Leo demanded.

The younger continued to shake his head, not allowing himself to go or leave the car in any sort of way.

"Fine. I'll do it myself." Leo reached into the car and threw Chan over his shoulder.

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