Chapter 21

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Chan stepped down the train and glanced at her before waving and walking off to the exit of the train station.



CHAN called for a taxi and told them to go to the nearest motel.

Chan got the keys to his room and entered, he dropped his luggage and bag on the floor and threw himself on the bed, groaning.

"I see you have a girlfriend~" Felix teased. Chan blushed, smiled and closed his eyes. "Not yet." He replied.

Felix chuckled, "it was love at first sight." He giggled. Chan scoffed, "yeah right." Chan tried to hide his smile, butterflies erupted in his stomach.

"Mate, did you not see your eyes when you saw her for the first time?" Felix reminded, "I could've sworn I saw your pupils turn into hearts."

Chan laughed, "thanks for arranging all of this." Chan thanked, Felix hummed, "no problem."

Chan sighed, "how'd you do all of this though...?" Felix sighed as well, "I said don't worry about it. We'll explain it later."

Chan wasn't willing to fight or argue, so he just nodded and took a deep breath, resting his eyes.

"Where's the rest of the boys?" Chan broke the silence. For a good minute, Chan didn't get a response. "Hello-"

"-they're busy." Felix answered quickly, Chan furrowed his brows, "doing what, Lix?" He opened his eyes staring at the ceiling. It went silent again. "Lix-"

"-I don't know." Felix responded with the same quick and fast tone. Chan's suspicion grew, his eyes were narrowed and his brows were furrowed. Something was off, and Chan could feel it.

Chan could hear some faint arguing, he couldn't make out the words. But he did hear some swearing, and threatening.

Chan stayed quiet trying to make out what he was hearing. Suddenly, his ears starting loudly ringing. Chan whimpered as he covered his ears. His eyes were closed shut and his lips were pressed together.

"Stop! Stop!" Chan cried, tears fell down Chan's eyes as he softly cried. "Chan! Chan! Just calm down!" He heard Minho's voice.

It sounded as if he was out of breath. "Make it stop, Minho!" Chan demanded. He heard soft whimpers and panting.

"I'm sorry, Chan!" Jeongin apologised but it sounded like he was from a distance. Chan stopped crying and sat up straight, tears were still running down his eyes.

"Jeongin! Jeongin! Boys! Are you guys okay?!" Chan hiccuped as he breathed heavily. His ears stopped ringing, Chan zoned out. Then everything turned black...


Chan's eyes opened, he sat us straight as he gasped for air. He looked around, he was in alleyway.

"W-What?" He mumbled, he did a 360 to try and figure where he was. "Hyung." A voice spoke from behind him.

Chan's heart sank, tears filled his eyes. He slowly turned around. He saw Felix. His jaw dropped. "F-Felix?"

He analysed Felix. He looked older, instead of black hair, he had blonde hair. His hair was still in a mullet style.

His voice was deeper and his freckles were more noticeable, his body was more masculine, he had muscles and was taller than the last time Chan saw him.

Felix's eyes fluttered and a smile formed on his face. Chan also smiled. Felix still had the same smile.

"You've grown." Chan stated as he swallowed the lump in his throat. Felix covered his mouth in disbelief, "y-you have too."

Chan chuckled as a tear slipped down his eyes, he sniffed and wiped his tear. He looked closely and saw a scar on Felix's left cheek causing his expression to sadden.

Felix stepped closer, Chan just watched not moving an inch.

Chan took a step back making Felix stop. Felix eyes welled up with tears, he looked down at Chan's shoes and a tear slip down his eye.

"Hyung." He heard from his right hand side. Chan turned his head to the right. He saw... Felix?

But younger.

"F-Felix?" He turned his gaze back to the older one then back to the younger. He was completely opposite Felix was now.

His hair wasn't a mullet, it was black. His freckles were faint, and his voice was a bit higher.

"Hyung, it's me." The younger Felix said. Chan took a step back looking back and forth to the two Felix.

The older Felix shook his head, "n-no, Hyung! He's lying don't believe him!" He warned.

The younger Felix took a step forward to Chan, his arms are open as if he was going in for a hug. Chan gulped and licked his lips.

"D-Don't touch me." He stated in a breathy voice. The younger one stopped walking and dropped his arms.

"Y-You're going to believe him?" The younger one scoffed in disbelief as he pointed to the older version of himself and he took another step forward.

Chan took a deep breath and held his hand out as a way to say that he should stop walking. "Stop walking." Chan warned. His voice was a bit stable than before.

The younger Felix straightened his posture. He tilted his head and raised a head. "Very well..." he trailed off.

Chan looked at the younger Felix's outfit. It was the same outfit as the car crash. He saw that his shirt was blood stained on his stomach.

Chan covered his mouth and whimpered. The memory of Felix hit him. Where the car was upside down, the window glass was shoved into his stomach and a glass on the side of his head, as blood dripped down his head.

"Mate, c'mon..." the older Felix begged. Chan continued to pant. He wanted to get out of this situation possible.

"Get me out of here! Where am I?!" Chan looked around the alleyway. There was not exit. It was just him and the two Felix's.

"I'm losing patience." The younger one said, Chan and the older Felix turned their gaze to him. He was pointing two guns. One at the other Felix and the other one pointing to Chan.

Chan gasped, the older Felix didn't show any emotion. "You can't shoot me, can you?" The older Felix scoffed.

The younger Felix shrugged and put the gun pointing to him down, "I can't." He then looked at Chan, "but I can kill him."

Chan took a step back, he closed his eyes and heard the gun go off.


Chan gasped sitting up for air. He looked around the room, finding himself back in his room at the motel.

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