Chapter 34

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"Yeah..." he whispered, and they all began eating.



From the corner of Chan's eyes, he saw Hazel walk past him. He stood up from his seat and jog to her, he lightly held her wrist.

"Hazel." He called her name, she turned around and once she saw Chan, she smiled. Chan let go of her wrist.

He shoved his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.

"Oh, hi, Chan." She greeted with the same smile. Chan's idiotic smile returned on his face. Chan licked his lips.

"Hey." He greeted back in a shaky voice, he stared at her for a while and shook his head again, embarrassedly chuckling.

She wore baggy jeans, with a black top and small hoop earrings.

Just like what she wore during the dream.

Yet, he still found it beautiful. She could wear the same clothes for two days straight, and he'll still like her.

Every time he looked at her, he always found something new to like about her.

"Y-You look gorgeous, Hazel." Chan complimented her. Hazel smiled and blushed.

"Thank you, Chan. You too- I mean, pretty- no, beautiful-." She sighed in frustration and turned red.

"You look handsome, Chan." She said after a pause. Chan smiled at her cuteness, "cute." He mumbled.

"Thank you." He chuckled, Hazel hummed and nodded.

Chan took a deep breath, and wiped his sweaty hands on his pants.

"Um, I'd... like to get to know you better...? May I get your number? T-That's if you want to." He nervously said, as he swinged back and forth on his heels.

Hazel laughed, "of course." She accepted without hesitation.

Chan sighed in relief, and they exchanged numbers. Once he got her number, he shoved his phone back in his pocket.

The train came to a stop, and the announcement went off saying that they now reached Busan.

"It was nice meeting you, Hazel. I hope we meet again." He put his hand out.

Hazel glanced down at his hands and took his hands in hers, gently and firmly shaking it.

"I hope so too, Chan." Chan admired at her for a few seconds, before waving and smiling as he walked back to his train seat.

The boys whistled, some softly clapping. "You know, Chan, I don't want to lie but I thought you were always a coward around girls." Changbin admitted.

Chan laughed and grabbed his bags, throwing over his shoulder and his luggage.

"You know, Changbin, I don't want to lie but I thought you'd pass your first driver's license." Chan insulted back.

Changbin gasped, and the members began laughed as they exited the train.

"Y'all are mean." Changbin mumbled, Chan laughed as he placed his arm around Changbin's shoulder, "lighten up, Bin, we're just kidding-or at least I'm kidding." After Chan said that.

Changbin and Chan looked at Jeongin, indicating we know that Jeongin doesn't joke when it comes to Changbin's license.

Changbin's smile grew back, and they all got a taxi, to go to Jeongin's parents' house.

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