Chapter 26

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Felix shook his head, "mate, I don't know what you're talking about." Felix nervously chuckled. Chan furrowed his brows and took a step back.


Time unknown

"BUT your younger self... where is he?" Chan held eye contact with Felix. The members gasped and looked at Felix.

"You showed him the younger versions?!" Minho aggressively whispered. Felix gulped and stood up, "l-listen. I just wanted to warn him."

Chan felt his blood boil by the second. "Warn me about what, Felix?!" Chan raised his voice.

All of the members looked at Chan. They've never seen the leader so mad, he never scolded them, he only lectured.

The boys gasped as they glanced behind Chan. Chan turned around and saw the boys, but younger. Not only Felix-all of them.

Chan took a step back, his eyes widened and his breath was heavy.

"Chan... come back to us. We're the good ones. We just want you to be safe." The younger Minho said desperately.

Chan licked his lips and shook his head. "T-Take me home." He whispered. His gaze turned to the older ones, "take me home!" He yelled which caused the boys to flinch and jump as his voice echoed.

Chan's expression softened and he continued to walk back, he sniffed and wiped his pre-tears from falling.

"Now for fucks sakes just tell me who's the real boys." He begged with a desperate tone. "Us!" The younger and older version of the members said in unison.

"Chan..." Minho called Chan. Chan was surprised Minho didn't call him 'hyung'.

He's never heard Minho call him Chan in such a scared, nervous tone.

Before he'd only call him Chan as a joke.

Chan shot his head at Minho. He stared at Minho. His eyes were poking arrows, his cheeks were warm and red, and his eyes are red as well.

"They're us... but before the accident." Minho said as he swallowed. Chan's expression softened and he straightened his posture, he quickly glanced at the younger.

Even if they were the boys but younger and less traumatic than the recent boys. He didn't feel like he could trust them. He felt like there was something off about them.

"Come back to us, hyung. We miss you." The younger Jeongin said. Chan sighed and pinched the corner of his eyes.

Chan remembered the dream he had back at the motel. He looked at the two Felix's and pointed at them.

"You two, come here." Chan commanded. Without hesitation, the older Felix walked up to him, standing in front of him. The younger Felix doubted for a while before slowly walking over to Chan.

Chan looked at the two boys. He remembered the older Felix had a scar on his left cheek, Chan glanced at the older Felix's cheek, the scar was indeed there.

Chan narrowed his eyes, "that dream... was it real?"



The two Felix's yelled at the same time. The older Felix saying yes and the younger one saying no.

Chan clenched his jaw, "I want to go home. How do I leave?" He raised his voice a bit. Chan was getting frustrated by the minute. The older version of Minho replied, "you have to-"

"-you can't." The younger one interrupted, glaring at the older boys.

Chan looked around the place, trying to find the same elevator he arrived in, but it was no where to be seen.

Chan's hand turned into fists and inhaled deeply, "guys-" he warned. "I swear if you don't let me go-"

Chan looked up at the older Minho, "I want to go... please." He begged. Minho's expression calmed.

"Tell me how to go. To leave." Chan desperately begged. "Do you want to see me suffer? Struggle?" His voice cracked as he told both young and old members. "After all I did for you all?-"

"-you killed us." The younger Changbin said with a stern voice, his eyes piercing right through Chan.

Chan couldn't help but gasp. "What?! Are you out of your mind?! I'd never do such!" He defended.

And Chan was telling the truth. He didn't have the intention of killing them. Any one in fact.

He'd rather hurt himself than hurt the boys. He wished he had died instead of the members.

All he wanted was for them to be safe, happy, protected... alive. But that wasn't an option now-but he wished.

A tear slipped down Chan's eye. He felt so helpless at that point. He felt as if he just ruined everything.

He just wanted to go back home. He missed Leo... Violet... Hazel.

Chan missed all of their hugs. He wanted to go back to Leo to tell him that he was still alive.

He wanted to go back to Violet. Since he promised that he'll visit her as soon as he came back home from his "vacation".

He wanted to go back to Hazel. He wanted to ask her if he could be her boyfriend.

And spend as much time with her since he liked her and, just in case he'd lose her too...

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