Chapter 18

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Once she was in, he sighed and stood up, stuffing his hand in the pockets of his hoodie as he crossed the street.



CHAN entered his house and slammed the door behind him.

"That was a cute moment." He heard a voice. It was Felix. Chan jumped a little at the sudden voice but smiled after.

He chuckled, "she's cute, isn't she?" Chan stated as if he was a proud father. Felix hummed, "adorable, mate."

Chan walked to his room, opened his closet and grabbed out a suitcase. He laid it on the floor and unzipped it, packing a few clothes.

"Hey Lix?" He called out for Felix, "yeah?" Felix responded, "how am I going to get to Busan without a car?" He asked as he neatly folded his clothes and placed it in the suitcase.

"I was about to tell you that." Chan raised his brow in confusion but didn't say anything so Felix could continue.

"Right, hyung. I need you to do something." Felix said, Chan shrugged, "okay?" He stood up. "Look at your bedside table." Felix commanded.

Chan followed Felix's orders and walked up to the small, brown, polished table, he saw a ticket and picked it up.

He read the information on the card and gasped. It was a train to Busan.

"H-How?" Chan scoffed in disbelief and looked back down at the train ticket in his hand.

Felix giggled, "don't worry about it, hyung. But let's be quick, yeah?" Felix suggested in a way.

Chan licked his lips and nodded, "right." He dashed back to his luggage and closed it, zipping it shut.

He jogged to the side of his bed, to where a black backpack laid. He grabbed it from the floor and started to pack his essentials; bathroom stuff, a cap, beanie, a jacket, charger and so on.

"Okay, here's the plan, mate." Felix spoke up. Chan carried on to aggressively pack as he listened.

"When you leave the house, there will be an Uber-" Chan paused, "what the hell? How did you guys manage to get an Uber?!" Chan said with his brows furrowed, and he zipped up his bag.

Felix sighed, "Chan, you really need to stop asking questions." Felix stated with an annoyed tone.

Chan swallowed and bobbed his head, slightly turning red from embarrassment, "sorry." He apologised in a shaky voice.

Then he threw the backpack over his shoulder and carried the luggage to the living room. "Okay, so an Uber should arrive in about five minutes or less. He'll take you to the train station, and you get on one-"

A beep was heard from outside. Chan nervously put on his shoes and adjusted the bag on his shoulder.

"And then?" Chan questioned, walking out the house and locking it. He looked outside and sat a grey Nissan parked in front of his house.

Chan took a deep breath and opened the trunk of the car, placing his luggage before shutting it.

He got in the backseat and put his backpack on his lap. "Hello." Chan politely greeted. The guy bowed his head and drove off.

Chan's eyes looked at Violet's house. He saw a light that was switched one. In the back, a pastel light pink walk can be seen with cute little drawings on it.

Chan's expression softened and a warm smile formed on his lips. He didn't want to leave her.

He grew a soft spot for Violet-even if they talked for a short while.

Chan broke himself from his thoughts. He didn't even realise they were already on the road.

"Felix?" Chan whispered, "hm?" Felix hummed in response. "Tell me what I should do after." Chan covered his mouth as he softly and quietly spoke.

"Oh yeah. So after you hop on the train, you get off at the next stop. We booked a motel for you."

Chan's jaw dropped. He didn't know how all of this was possible.

"O-Okay..." he mouthed but with a slight shocked voice.

The ride came to a stop and Chan exited the car, as he bid the driver, as well as paying him.

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