Chapter 27

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And spend as much time with her since he liked her and, just in case he'd lose her too...


Time unknown

"THERE'S a way." The older Hyunjin spoke up. Everyone turned their gaze to him. He lifted his head up.

Chan's face turned desperate and he waited impatiently.

"In order to exit, you need to answer three questions about Jeongin." Seungmin said. Chan furrowed his brows and the weird request.

He thought about why it was Jeongin. But then he remembered the reason he was going to Busan...

To visit Jeongin's family.

Because of Jeongin's graduation.

But at the end of the day, he found the request weird but he'd do anything just to leave this place.

"Give me the first question." Chan commanded and nodded in determination.

The atmosphere was silent and the tension was eerie and awkward.

"When was Jeongin's birthday?-"

"-8 February." Chan immediately answered. Chan heard Jeongin giggled, Chan's lips slightly curved up.

Chan knew Jeongin loved attention.

"Year?" Han asked. Chan thought for a while, "2001...?" He said with uncertainty in his voice. "You need to be sure." The younger Minho spat with a harsh voice.

Chan inhaled. After a minute of deciding, he bobbed his head. "2001." He confirmed.

The older members sighed in relief, showing that he was right. Chan exhaled as well.

"Second question, what was Jeongin doing in the time the car crashed?" Hyunjin question.

Chan's expression softened. He hated talking or even thinking about the car crash.

The image, the screaming, the car beeping, the blood-of his own and the members. But unfortunately, he remembered it clearly.

He shivered, "he was fighting with Changbin because Jeongin said that Changbin didn't have his driver's license."

Jeongin's face saddened, Changbin rubbed his back to console him.

"Last question..." Han trailed off. "What is Jeongin's favourite colour?" Seungmin asked.

Chan's eyebrows furrowed again, "what the fuck is this question?" Chan looked at them in confusion.

The older version members laughed and the younger version snickered. "Just kidding." Seungmin said.

Chan scoffed, "very funny." He said with sarcasm and his lips pressed in a straight line.

Jeongin and Changbin was laughing so hard, tears fell down their eyes, they wiped and cleared their throat.

"Okay, okay. Last question, what was the day was the accident."

Once again-the atmosphere went silent.

Chan didn't remember this one, for fuck's sakes, that was three years ago.

He knew when Jeongin graduated but he didn't know when the accident happened.

This question was tricky. Chan stood still, not willing to move an inch. He knew it was a week after Jeongin's graduation.

A week.

Chan's face lit up. Jeongin graduated on the 1 November 2017. Chan did the calculations.

The accident was on 8 November 2017.

Chan shot his head up at the boys. "8th! The 8th of November! 2017!" Chan scoffed in victory.

The younger member gasped in shock. The older members clap. Chan looked at Jeongin and he breathed heavily, holding onto Felix's shoulder as he looked as if he was going to pass out.

Chan's eyes widened and he ran to Jeongin. Minho stopped him, "don't touch him. Let him gain his balance. Then you can touch him."

Chan had enough, he shook his head, "this is all so fucking stupid! Everything is stupid! I shouldn't have even come! This is all a trick, take me home, right now! I answered all your damn questions!" Chan shouted.

Both, the young and older members looked at him in surprise. Chan breathed heavily, feeling relieved that he got that off his chest.

Although, he did hurt the members a little. Well, the older members. The younger ones just smirked in amusement.

The younger's ideal point was to make him lose his mind. And think that this was all a trick. That this was all fake.

Jeongin collapsed but the boys caught him. Chan eyes filled with tears. He ran towards Jeongin pushing Minho aside and he got on his knees.

Han, Felix and Hyunjin were taking his temperature and brushing his hair out of his face.

Chan was about to touch Jeongin when the boys yelled: "stop!" In unison.

Too late.

Chan already touched Jeongin. The air out of Chan's lungs got sucked out.

He closed his eyes and everything turned into a bright yellow light. His ears were screeching with ringing and chattering.

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