Chapter 10

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Chan sighed as well, "please be quick. I can't stay here any longer and it's only my first day..."



ANNA walked up to Leo and tapped his Leo's shoulder. Leo turned and stood up, his face was covered with concern, anxious and worry.

"What does he have, doctor?" Leo questioned with a shaky voice. Anna exhaled, "from what I can tell... Chan may have auditory hallucinations." She stated with a smile that was formed in a straight line.

Leo's eyes slightly opened, "a-auditory hallucinations...?" Anna nodded, "Chan can hear voices that only exists in his mind." She told more information about the condition.

The cousin pinched the corner of his eyes, "may I know what happened for him to be... talking to himself like this?" She kindly asked.

Leo glanced at her, "h-he got into a fatal accident with seven of his best friends, and he was the only one that made it out alive." He explained. Anna nodded as she wrote every words he said.

"When was this?" She asked in a gentle voice. For some reason, Leo could feel his cheeks go red, "u-uh. Three years ago." He smiled.

Anna returned the smile, "okay then. Thank you Mr...?" Leo cleared his throat, "Kim. But please call me Leo." He kept that silly smile on his face.

She chuckled, "I'm Anna." She shook his hand.

"Thank you for visiting, Leo. We'll take good care of him." Leo returned the handshake, "thank you Anna."

Leo walked outside and looked at Anna for the last time before leaving.


ANNA scanned her keycard on Chan's room causing it to beep. This caught Chan's attention. He looked up at the door to see who would walk in.

Anna walked in with a tray of food, she used her leg to close the door behind her, "I got you food." She placed the food tray on his lap.

Chan was hungry but he refused the help just to make himself look tough.

"Damn Chan. I'm dead but this is making me hungry." Seungmin joked, Chan laughed, "me too. Except for the dead part-" he laughed more.

Anna continued to look at him as he had a conversation with himself.

Chan forgot Anna was there at that moment and once he remembered, his face hardened.

"I-Im not hungry." He stuttered, "liar." Han called him out, Chan tutted, "shut up." He spat.

"Mate, just accept the help. It's better to starving yourself to death. Plus, stop trying to hide the fact you want help. You're already in a mental hospital, that already makes you look helpless." Felix lectured.

Chan sighed in defeat and picked up the spoon, scooping some rice along with meat then ate it.

A smile spread on Anna's face as she watched him eat. "Thank you." Chan mumbled. Anna hummed.

"Can I ask you a question?" She broke the silence. Chan continued chewing and nodded, "go ahead." He replied with a gentle smile.

Chan felt as if he was returning to his usual self. Caring, kind, friendly.

"About the accident... what were your friends' name?" She placed the clipboard on the floor next to her.

Chan's smile dropped, "oh..." he swallowed the food in his mouth and clear his throat.

"Make me seem extra special, hyung," Changbin teased, Chan chuckled. "There was seven of them." He paused.

"Minho, Changbin also my favourite one." Chan smiled and rolled his eyes, "happy?" He asked Changbin.

Changbin hummed, "very." Chan laughed, "anyway. There was Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin." Anna nodded along to his words.

"And... they all died except you?" She asked, Chan frowned, "yep... sometimes I wish I died along with them so I won't get to experience this pain." He fidgeted with his spoon.

He heard a "aww" from the boys. Anna's smile turned upside down, "you must really miss them." She quietly stated. Chan looked down, "yeah." He cleared his throat.

"When did you start hearing them?" She continued to question. Chan sighed, "I was visiting them at the cemetery, and I heard them speak to me. It was yesterday night."

Anna crossed her legs leaning forward, interested in what he has to say.

She worked in a mental hospital for 5 years and was a graduated student, high marks and very well known at school.

Even though she has dealt with patients with the same thing or different. It still amazed her till this day.

"But they're real! I'm not alone... I can still hear it. I can still hear them! Can you?" He looked at her with panicking eyes, eager to know if he really was really the crazy one in this situation.

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