Chapter 16

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And so, he continued to talk with the boys as he waited for the night to arrive.



AS expected, the night arrived. Chan sat on the bed, his lights were off and the only light that were shining-was the moonlight from outside.

Chan nervously fidgeted with his lip, the whole day he planned on how to escape and he had to do it tonight. He couldn't stay here for any longer.

He removed his finger from his lip and looked down at the keycard in his hand, he took a deep breath.

Half of him felt bad... the other half of him wanted to leave the moment it could.

Obviously Chan chose his second side. He decided to leave.

He swung the blankets off him and jumped out of his bed. Chan told the boys not to let them talk to him for now since he needed to focus.

Chan's plan was to leave, run to his house-even if he didn't have the keys he always kept a spare one just in case.

He stood behind the door and took a deep breath, he looked down at the card in his hands, debating if he truly wanted to do this.

He finally managed to build up the courage and from inside he used the card and tapped it against the metal pad, earning a 'beep' and a green light.

Chan closed his eyes and pressed his lips together when he heard the beep of the door.

He quietly pushed the door knob down and swung it open. He then, peeked his head out looking left and right.

He let out a sigh of relief. Chan nervously bit his lip as he walked out of the room, the door shuts behind him, automatically locking it, also earning another loud thud.

Chan cursed under his breath, then he sighed. He straightened his posture and nonchalantly walked as if he was a visitor coming to visit a loved one, friend or relative.

Noted in mind, Chan wasn't familiar with the hospital, he only remembered short clips from when he first arrived.

So, Chan went with his instincts and prayed that he'll reach the reception.

Walking for a couple of minutes, he saw the familiar door ahead of him. His face lightened up feeling proud on how his plan had been working out.

Chan reached the reception and turned to look at the two ladies he had remembered.

Chan slightly bowed as a way of greeting respectfully. The two ladies bowed their heads, smiled and waved.

When Chan turned his head to look away from them, he didn't dare to look back.

And once he stepped foot outside, he felt the cold breeze hitting his face.

It was more colder than usual but he accepted it since he hasn't smell pure, fresh air in a week or so.

Chan fixed his hoodie and pulled up his hood over his head, stuffing his hands in his pocket as he walked home with a wide and proud smile.

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