Chapter 19

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The ride came to a stop and Chan exited the car, as he bid the driver, as well as paying him.



CHAN looked out the train and onto the green grass and mountains as the train dashed by. He rested his cheek on his hand and sighed, making the glass foggy.

"Sir? Sir?" A random voice called out for him. And for a second, he swore he heard Violet's voice. He immediately shot his head and turned it to where he heard the voice.

He saw a lady with brunette hair with freckles and a nice smile... he felt a smile form on his face.

Chan looked down at her outfit, she had a uniform. She looked like a flight attendant but for the train...?

"Would you like something to eat?" She asked as her grip firmly held onto the food cart.

Weird to say, but Chan's never been on a train before. He found it weird that it was exactly like a plane but on the ground.

He continued to admire her and he felt his heart beating fast, he looked down at her tag.


Chan looked back up at her eyes. Her eyes were Hazel. He smiled at the coincidence.

"How old are you, Hazel?" Chan randomly asked. Hazel blinked before lightly chuckling.

Chan felt as if he just lost his breath, his heart felt like it was beating faster than the train he was on.

"I'm 24, sir." Hazel replied with gentle voice. Chan shook his hand and awkwardly chuckled, "please, call me Chan."

Hazel laughed and nodded, "well, Chan. Would you like something to eat?"

Chan raised a brow, "well, Hazel. What do you have to offer?" He asked back with a teasing smile.

He seemed to be confident on the outfit but deep down, he was shaking, under the table he was fidgeting with his fingers and bouncing his legs.

Hazel looked at the food cart and back up at him, "we have sandwiches?" She responded not a hundred percent sure if that's what he'd want to have.

Chan bobbed his head, "sandwich it is." He looked up at her, resting his hand on his cheek. Chan could feel his interest grow for her.

She hummed and held out to sandwiches, "which one would you like?" He moved closer to him showing him the two options.

Avocado, Chicken and mayo sandwich or just a normal chicken and mayo sandwich.

Chan took the Avocado, chicken and mayo sandwich, he put it on the table in front of him and looked up at her.

"Anything to drink?" Hazel asked, Chan shrugged, "a water will be fine." He said.

Hazel crouched and handed him a bottle of water. "Enjoy your meal, si- Chan." She smiled.

Chan continued to look at her with heart eyes, she walked but him but Chan gently grab her wrist making her stop.

She turned to face him. Chan lets go of her wrist. "Sorry. Um, when do you think you'll be free?" He asked in a soft, gentle voice.

Hazel chuckled, "probably around 11?" Chan glanced at the time on his phone.



Chan smiled, "if you wouldn't mind... I'd like to get to know you better." His smile widened.

Chan's never asked or flirted with a girl before. This was all so new to him.

He saw see the light blush spread across Hazel's cheek, which made his heart flutter.

His leg bounced up and down faster and him fidgeting with his fingers under the table become a little more aggressive.

"Oh yeah, of course!" She answered. Chan sighed of relief, feeling like he had just won the jackpot.

Hazel and Chan ended the conversation, and Hazel went back to do her job as Chan patiently waited for her to finish.

Chan was nervous, excited, happy-he was feeling all sorts of emotions just because of a girl he met.

He felt like a little teenager that just talked to their crush for the first time. Chan felt butterflies swarming in his stomach, his heart beat racing, his mind was filled with her. Hazel.

He felt tingly and it felt erratic to him. His hand shook with excitement, he was blushing and felt like kicking his feet too.

God, Chan felt so childish at that moment. But that's what love can do to a person.

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