Chapter 30

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IT was now three days later, and Chan was dismissed from the hospital.

Chan told the members, Leo and Anna what happened. They found it odd, but they shrugged it off.


"OH, I wanted to give you this." Minho stated stopping at a red light. He reached to the seat behind Chan's seat.

Minho sat back in his original, driver's seat and handed Chan black headphones.

He gasped, "aren't these yours?" Chan shot his head up at Minho, then down at the headphones again.

The second oldest hummed as he kept his eyes on the road, "I wanted to give this to you as soon as we got out of the hospital. I didn't know you'd be in a coma though..." he trailed off.

"Anyways! I, also, wanted to give you the headphones for your birthday. So happy belated, belated, belated birthday." Minho cackled.

Chan couldn't help but smile, his hand gently held the headphones. "Three times for three years." He softly said, looking back up at the road.

Minho glanced at Chan and smiled as they silently drove back to Chan's house.


MINHO pulled up to Chan's house. Although, Chan didn't care about being back home. He just stared at Violet's house.

Minho parked in front of Chan's house before turning off the engine.

He tapped Chan's shoulder, immediately breaking Chan out of his thoughts.

"We're here." Minho stated in a calm manner then leaving the car. Chan sighed and followed Minho inside the house.

He left the headphones to hang off his neck, and he took a deep breath before entering.

The scent of his house filled his noise. It, somehow, smelled sweet but plain. Everything was neat and tidy-the floors clean, without a trace of a stain.

"The members and I... cleaned up your house, for you." Minho's voice filled the living room, after he heavily sighed.

"Thanks, Min." Chan thanked in a soft and gentle tone, as a small smile appeared on his lips.

Minho pressed his lips in a thin line and nodded as if he was saying: 'you're welcome'.

Chan stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jacket and made his way upstairs, and into his room.

As expected, his room was neat-his bed was freshly made, his desk was clean as well as his bed-side table.

His head slightly tilted as he noticed a flat, rectangular piece of paper in his bed-side table.

Chan couldn't help but gulp, he slowly walked up to the table and picked up the paper. There, it read:

Train Ticket

The colour from Chan's face vanished. It was the same train ticked he saw in that dream.

Chan exhaled in a shaky way, his hands shook and he licked his lips before looking back at the ticket once more.

"We were planning to go to Busan," Minho's voice can be heard from behind him.

Chan turned around, finding Minho leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.

Minho lightly chuckled at Chan's expression. "By train this time." He reassured as he stood up straight, walked and stood in front of Chan.

Minho glanced down at the ticket, his eyes meeting with Chan's again.

"We didn't want to go to Busan without you." He softly said.

Chan's brows furrowed, "and Jeongin's parents? Did they not want to see you guys as soon as possible?"

Minho hummed, "they did, but after they found out what happened to you, they said it wouldn't feel the same without your presence."

Chan's expression softened and the corner of his lip curved up. Minho heavily sighed, "so, you coming?" Minho asked, glancing down at the ticket in Chan's hand again.

Chan looked up and nodded in determination. "Yes." He answered.

Minho's face lit up and he brightly smiled, "great! The members will be so happy to hear that!" He exclaimed.

Chan's eyes fluttered before he gave a side smile, "yay." He cheered with a flat and plain voice.

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