Chapter 29

39 1 0


Chan: 28

Minho: 27

Changbin: 26

Hyunjin: 25

Han: 25

Felix: 25

Seungmin: 25

Jeongin: 24


"Where are the boys buried?" Chan asked.



IN unison, everyone furrowed their brows. Their expression transitioned to confusion.

They all looked at him like he was genuinely a psycho.

"Buried?" Leo shook his head in confusion. "Chan, the boys are not de-"

"-Channie Hyung!" The hospital room door bursted open, and Chan was greeted with the members dashing towards him.

Chan's face stayed pale and shock took over his expression. Some of the members sat on the edge of the bed and some stood next to the bed.

"Y-You're all alive...?" Chan continued to analyse the members.

The members all stared at him blankly, "we died?" Minho joked.

The rest laughed, yet Chan still looked at them in disbelief.

Chan bobbed his head, "yes! Yes! All of you died except for me."

"Was the car accident real?" Chan gulped as he looked at the members for answers. The guys nodded.

Chan pointed a finger at Felix. "Y-You had a cut on your cheek." He said in a shaky voice. Felix touched his cheeks, "I did?" He questioned in a confused voice.

Chan's lips quivered as he vigorously nodded, "yes, yes you did!" Chan sighed.

Who was going to believe him anyway? People would just say it was from shock. Chan knew he couldn't get people to believe him.

He wanted to explain every detail of the "dream". But yet, no one would believe him, and it was too long for him to even explain it.

Chan sighed in defeat, realising he couldn't say anything else about it.

Now, he just needed to accept the fact that he woke up from a three-year coma, his friends are alive, Hazel and Violet doesn't even know who he is.

Matter of a fact, he doesn't even know if Hazel was real. He knew Violet was real-thanks to Leo.

Although, Chan was genuinely relieved to find out that he could hug and talk to his best friends again.

He wanted to forget everything, he wanted to delete that dream, he never wanted to hear of it again.

"I'm glad you guys are alive though." Chan spoke up, his gazed focused on the eight men in front of his hospital bed.

They awkwardly chuckled, "I'm happy... I'm alive too?" Seungmin uncertainly said. Chan didn't even bother explaining anything.

"When will I get out of the hospital?" Chan sighed in frustration. "In a few days." The doctor replied.

Chan couldn't help but scoff, "no shit. How many days, doctor?" He asked again.

The boys were slightly concerned at the oldest behaviour. He wasn't usually this rude, mad or sarcastic.

"In 3 days, Mr. Bang." The doctor lowered his voice. Chan felt his blood boil, his fists clenched.

"It's Chan, for fuck's sakes!" He shouted. The room turned silent. If a pin were to drop, it would've been the loudest thing in the room.

Minho stuffed his hands in his pocket, "okay, okay. Let's calm down, Chan-"

"-no!" Chan denied, his voice cracked a bit. "I'm sick and tired of this bullshit! First the car crash, then I found out that you guys were dead, then I followed your voices which lead me to this stupid pink forest! And, and..." he panted as his lips quivered.

Everyone waited for him to continue. A tear slipped down his eye, as it strolled down his cheek and landed on his hand.

"God, I hate this!" Chan slammed his fist next to him on the bed. "What's real anymore?! Are you guys real?!" He looked at each of the members straight in the eyes.

The member for once, feared Chan. It was horrifying seeing the guy they knew for years yell like that.

It look like as if Chan was a physco, a freak.

"Say it to my face!" Chan yelled, his neck turning red with a vein popping out. "Are you guys real?!" He repeated.

They nodded, "we are, hyung." The confirmed in unison.

Chan placed his face on the palm of his hands, as he began crying. "I hate this." He muttered between his sobs.

"Do any of you guys know Hazel?" Chan sniffed as he looked up at the members. They all seem to pause.

Chan liked Hazel way too much when he saw her for the first time.

As soon as he realised he had been in a coma and it was all fake, he prayed that at least she was real.

I mean, Violet was real? Hazel should be real, too.

"Isn't that Chan's neighbour's older sister?" Changbin looked at the members for confirmation.

Chan stopped crying and took Changbin's statement in.

'Chan's neighbour's older sister'

Chan's neighbour was Violet...

If Violet has an older sister... Hazel.

"Oh my god." Chan murmured as he placed a hand on his mouth. His eyes are widened, his heart beating faster.

Hazel was real. Violet was real. The members were alive. And that stupid, scary dream he had was fake!

Chan leaned his head back against the pillow, sighing in relief. He raised his hands in victory.

"Yes... yes..." he closed his eyes, as he whispered to himself.

Everyone stared at him with a questioning look on his face. The doctor left leaving Chan with the members, Leo and Anna.

He had to tell them. It wouldn't feel right if he didn't. Even if it means him explaining everything from being to end with every detail.

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