3 YEARS LATER: CHAPTER 5 || 2022 ||

59 2 0


Chan: 25

Minho: 24

Changbin: 23

Hyunjin: 22

Han: 22

Felix: 22

Seungmin: 22

Jeongin: 21



LEO looked up at his cousin with a concerned face, "did you have any panic attacks so far?" He fidgeted with the pen in his hand.

Opposite him sat Chan. His arms crossed, along with his legs, and a numb expression splattered on his face.

He didn't respond.

Leo sighed, "Chan. Please answer. Just a yes or a no." He said in a desperate tone.

Chan sighed, "yes. I have." He replied in a soft voice.

A smile spread across Leo's face and wrote something on his clipboard. "And have you been having any dreams?"

As soon as Leo said "dreams", Chan moved his eyes up at him with a glare but saddened look.

Chan shook his head, obviously lying. Leo pinched the corner of his eyes, "Chan. I need you to talk a little more, okay?" He tried stating in calm manner, as his patience was running low.

A smirk fell on Chan's face, seeming to realise that he'll make his cousin mad and he won't have to come to this shithole anymore.

"Why should I?" Chan spoke as he tried to hide that sneaky smirk of his, Leo poked his tongue in his cheek, holding a bright smile.

With no answer. The room fell silent.

Leo closed his folder and looked at Chan, "you may go home," Leo dismissed. Without hesitation, Chan stood up dashing out the door and into his car, slamming the door shut.

Chan breathed heavily as he held his head and laying back on the car seat.

He has been having dreams. Small clips of the accident. The beginning, middle and end.

The screams. The blood. Just seeing his best friends lying dead before he became unconscious.

This made Chan panic more. His chest tightened, he opened the window to get some air but that didn't help.

He opened the car door, stepping outside, his body crouched on the floor, as he cried, and cried.

"Oh my god! Chan!" A voice screamed from a distance. Chan didn't look up but he felt two hands wrapped around his left and right bicep, helping him get up.

He continued to hold his chest, gasping for air and tears falling down his eyes.

Recognised by his voice, Leo sat Chan back on the driver's seat.

He crouched a little, "take a deep breaths, come on, you got this," Leo encouraged in a out of breath of voice, as he brushed the back of Chan's hair for comfort.

Chan did as he was told. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes while he did so.

Finally, Chan calmed down and looked down, embarrassed. He wipes his tears with his index finger and his cheek with the back of his hand.

"Are you okay now?" Leo asked worried, Chan slowly nodded, "y-yeah. I'm fine." He whispered.

Leo patted Chan's head, "let me drive you home?" He grabbed the keys from Chan, and walked over to the driver's seat, starting the car.

Chan collected himself then entered the passenger seat.


THE whole car was silent, not a single word spoken.

Soon, Leo parked in front of Chan's house. Chan got out and so did Leo.

Leo handed Chan back his car keys, "how are you going to get home?" Chan asked looking at his cousin. Leo shrugs, "don't worry. I'll just Uber home."

Chan shook his head, "here. You take the car today." Chan insisted, handing Leo back the keys.

Leo looked down at the keys then up at his cousin, he put a hand on Chan's shoulder. "Are you going to see the boys today?" He asked as he took the car keys from Chan's hand.

Chan's expression softened, "um. Yeah. Later though." His cousin tilted his head a little, "around what time?" Leo looked at his watch, "it's already after 4:30." Leo continued.

The younger cousin rolled his eyes, "I know, I know. I'm not a child anymore. I'm 25." Leo's hand dropped from Chan's shoulder and he straightened his posture.

"Time moves quick..." Leo scoffed in disbelief, Chan slightly chuckled, "yeah. Which means you're getting old too, old man." He reminded.

Leo gasped, "how dare you!" Chan laughed, "I am not old!" Leo declined, Chan crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, "oh really? A 28 year old is soo young." He said with sarcasm.

The older cousin groaned in annoyance, "yeah, yeah. Shut up." He flicked the side of Chan's neck.

Chan hissed in pain as he held the place where Leo flicked and glares at him.

Leo laughed and ruffled Chan's hair. "Oh! And let me see your arm."

Later, throughout the past three years a scar was found on Chan's upper left arm and ever since then it stuck with him.

Chan clicked his tongue in annoyance and took off his hoodie leaving him in a sleeveless shirt. He turned to the side and showed Leo his arm.

Leo inspected it for a while and nodded, "okay. It's healing." Chan raised his eyebrow, "I thought it was already healed." He tilted his head.

"It is." Leo responded, "so?" Chan asked still confused, "I don't know. I just wanted to see it." Leo shrugged.

Chan smiled and shook his head and hanged the hoodie over his arm, "okay then. Bye Leo."

His cousin smiled as he walked to the car, he opened the car door and got in. And started the engine.

Leo pulled down the window and stuck his head out, "and don't go out late. If you're visiting the boys, I say go now." Leo suggested.

Chan responded with a thumbs up, Leo rolled his eyes knowing his cousin wouldn't listen to him.

Once Chan was sure Leo drove away, he walked into his house.

And decided to take a shower before visiting the boys.

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