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Changbin's smile grew back, and they all got a taxi, to go to Jeongin's parents' house.



EVERYONE was seated in Jeongin's parents' house for dinner. They were supposed to celebrate Jeongin's graduation.

Whenever Jeongin's graduation was brought up, Chan felt his heart break, he also felt guilty.

Jeongin was 18 when the accident happened, and he felt even more guilty knowing they all waited for him to wake up from his coma just so they can celebrate it with him.

Chan watched Mrs. Yang all types of dishes. Some Jeongin's favourite food.

Jeongin, his parents, Felix, Han were separated from Chan, Changbin, Seungmin, Minho and Hyunjin by a long dining table with food in between and Jeongin's brothers are seated at the end of each table.

Mr. Yang poured champagne in champagne glasses, then stood up.

"This might be a bit late to say this," he paused, everyone chuckled at the humours joke.

"But I want to graduate my son for finish highschool." He continued, everyone smiled-Jeongin smiling the widest.

"And we couldn't be any prouder, Innie. We're genuinely proud of you, son." Mr. Yang and the others proudly looked at the youngest.

Jeongin shyly chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

Mr. Yang raised his glass, "to Jeongin." Everyone else joined, "to Jeongin." They said in unison.

The glass clinked together and everybody took a sip. Then they all began eating.

Chan was silently eating, laughing and nodding to the conversations.

The dining room went silent for a while, the only sound there was was the clanking of spoons and forks against the plates.

"So, Chan-ssi, how are you feeling, darling?" Mrs. Yang spoke up, Chan looked up from his plate and at her.

He finished chewing his food and swallowed, "oh, I'm doing better, thanks." He replied in a soft voice then went back to eating.

Mrs. Yang smiled, "and how do you feel to see the boys?" She questioned. Chan slowly chewed, then hummed, "um, I'm happy. Really glad actually, thought I lost them..." he trailed off and sighed.

Till this day, Chan couldn't forgive himself for what happened, wether it was his fault or not, he was driving, he should've been more careful, that's how he saw it.

The members and parents let out a gentle smile, "we're glad you're here with us, Chan. We wouldn't know what we would've done without you." She continued.

The atmosphere went from a proud and cheerful mood, to a dull and sad one.

Chan sadly chuckled, "I guess we wouldn't know." He exhaled, then took another bite of his food.

Chan lost his appetite now, just thinking about the accident, about that weird dream of his, finding out that it was all fake and he was in a three year coma, that he's 28, the boys are alive, Violet, Anna and Hazel don't know who he is, and being here.

Although, Chan wondered if there actually was a place with purple grass, and a random elevator in the middle with the only button saying: Hellevator.

Once again, the dining room fell silent, it was awkward. Really awkward.

Chan didn't want to ruin the mood by saying he's full so early, so he ate slowly, not to overfill himself.

"Did you have any dreams?" Mrs. Yang asked, Chan glanced up at her again.

Jeongin's older brother raised a brow at his mother's question, "do people even get dreams in coma?" He asked.

Chan's gaze upped again, and he stared at them, "um, I guess I did." He stated.

Big mistake he said he did.

"Really? What did you dream about?" Mrs. Yang face lit up, while Chan's face died down.

The members didn't want to involve themselves in the conversation, they just quietly ate.

"It was... blank." Chan laughed awkwardly. "I didn't have any dreams." He lied, saying it as if it was a joke.

The parents laughed, "still such a tease, aren't you?" Mrs. Yang chuckled a bit, Chan nervously smiled, "yep." Then he went back to eating.


The members and Jeongin's parents, and Jeongin's brothers are now seated in the living room, as Mr. Yang showed pictures of the members' Highschool days.

Most of them took by Chan, since he was the oldest one, he had this camera with him, and he captured it.

Everyone laughed and called out what happened in those pictures, Chan's mood was lifted up a bit.

He felt tears form in his eyes as he remembered those memories.

They were so young and childish, their school band they created, their voices combined perfectly.

Once in a while, Chan's mind would drift off to the dream, but he was taking step by step, because he knew he'd slowly forget about it. At least, he tried to.

What a weird dream...

~~ THE END ~~

~~ THE END ~~

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