Chapter 15

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IT'S a been a week. A week in this shithole. And Chan was losing his mind. The voices in his head were worse than ever.

It was so bad, he couldn't hear his own voice. He felt frustrated. Frustrated on wether to go or not.

But after all, he'd do anything to see his boys. But what Jeongin said... about spirits pretending to be other spirits.

He hasn't heard their voices for a while, he felt relieved but concerned as well. Are they gone again? That made him want to see the boys even more.

Leo, visits once in a while to check in the younger cousin. Anna has been having 10 minute talking sessions with Chan twice a week, but he only answered with short reply as: "okay" "yes" "no" "maybe"

He felt numb as he couldn't feel any emotion. He would pinch himself sometimes, hoping to feel pain. It didn't work.

Chan wanted to feel happiness, love, pain, sadness, mad. Just anything. He was so desperate to just feel something.

Worst part is that he haven't cried in a few weeks. Chan found crying very important. It was the only way to relief his pain.

Chan curled up into a ball, burying his face into his knees as his body shook. His muscles would tense up, and he felt scared. At least that's an emotion, right?


THE door beeped. Chan didn't even bothered to look up. A female figure walked in with a clipboard held in her hands.

"Hey Chan." Anna greeted with a gentle tone. Chan kept his face in his knees, he lifted up a hand and waved at her.

Anna sat on the chair beside his bed, "how are you?" She placed the clipboard on her lap. Chan nodded, "good." He mumbled.

She wrote something down on her clipboard, Chan finally looked up at her. His eyes narrowed at her.

"What are you writing? Why are you always writing?" He questioned her. Anna glanced at him up from the paper on her lap.

She put the pen down on the pocket of her white coat. She positioned her glasses. "I'm just writing how you're doing and what you're saying." The elderly woman smiled at him.

Chan raised a brow, "but I said I'm fine." Anna sighed and shrugged, "you say you are. But you're not."

He could feel his jaw clench, he poked his tongue in his cheek. He looked at the timer on the wall.

7 minutes left.

"Are you still hearing voices?" She asked, Chan shook his head, "no..." he trailed off. Anna smiled, "that's good!" She exclaimed.

Chan furrowed his brows. "What? No it's not! I miss them." He softly said.

Anna hummed, "you're more chatty than general." She told him with a smile.

He scoffed and raised his brows in annoyance, "okay." He muttered.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Chan's head. He had an idea of how to escape.

"Hey Anna?" He called her name. Anna looked up at him, "yes, Chan?" She replied.

He fidgeted with his fingers, "y-you know... to help me feel better, can I try on your coat?" He glanced at her, smiling a bit.

Anna chuckled and stood up. Chan hid his smirk as he stood up as well. She took her coat and held it for Chan.

Chan's face lightened up to how his plan was working. He wore it and stuffed his hand in the pockets.

As expected, he felt the keycard. He pretended to do a spin as he slid the keycard up his sleeve. Anna chuckled as she found him enjoying his time.

When the keycard was up Chan's sleeve. He took off the coat and handed it to her again. She smiled and wore it.

Just in time, the timer buzzed. His session was over. Anna waved and left the room.

"You sneaky bastard." Minho laughed, Chan giggled and slid the keycard down his sleeve and looked at it.

"I'll do it tonight." He said, for once Chan couldn't wait for the night to arrive. Usually he'd hate how dark it got but that weakness turned into an advantage for him.

And so, he continued to talk with the boys as he waited for the night to arrive.

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