Chapter 12

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"-I don't care." Chan interrupted, "just tell me... please." He begged.



MINHO cleared his throat, "there's this place in Busan."

Chan shook his head, "B-Busan?" His face went pale. Minho groaned in annoyance, "yes. Now will you stop interrupting me?"

Chan took a deep breath and nodded, "y-yeah. Sorry. Continue." He said then sat silently letting Minho continue.

"Good. Now there's this place in Busan." Chan pressed his lips together and closed his eyes.

Busan brought Chan back trauma. Even though the accident never really happened in Busan but just thinking about going there just bothered him and flashed him with memories.

"There's this place in Busan located far away." Minho paused, "do you know where that purple grass is located? The forest that's covered in purple leaves and grass?"

Chan hummed, "yeah, but do you know how far away that is?" Chan complained causing Minho to sigh, "do you want to see us or not?" He questioned with an irritated tone.

Chan slowly bobbed his head, "right... see you guys."

For five seconds no one responded. "Hello??" Chan broke the silence.

"Mate, do you want to see us?" Felix softly asked. Chan gasped, "yes! Yes! Of course I do! W-What makes you say that?" He awkwardly chuckled.

Hyunjin hummed, "Chan. We're dead. We can sense your emotions." Chan pursed his lips. "You're doubting this." Han exposed.

Chan held his head, "of course I'm doubting this! I'm in a mental hospital and I'm speaking to a bunch of voices in my head!" He breathed heavily feeling relieved to speak out his thoughts.

"But hyung... we did we're real." Jeongin's voice saddened. Chan's expression softened. He didn't know what to say at this moment.

He felt as if he says one wrong word, it'll ruin his friendship with the members or even hurt them.

"W-What if you guys are imposters? What if this is someone else's spirit that's just trying to trick me?" Chan asked with hesitation.

The members gasped in horror and shock, "but we are real! We are huma-"

"-no you're not! You were humans! You're not anymore! Just accept the fact that you all are dead!" Chan's voice cracked, he began tearing up.

That's when the boys realised that the oldest was going crazy. He was losing his mind.

Chan wasn't only hallucinating and imagining-but those hallucinations were driving him mad. It made him overthink.

It made Chan refusing to believe that these voices and words he was hearing was not real.

I mean, after three years, why now? Why were the boys only doing this now?

Even if he was able to see them at that forest, they'll leave again.

But will their voices still be with him?

That's all Chan could ask himself.

Changbin huffed, "fine then. Be like that, but then don't expect to see us." Chan pinched the corner of his eyes.

"Boys, please. Just give me some time to think. Just leave me alone. Visit your parents, siblings, family, old friends. Even take a walk if that's possible."

A few chuckling can be heard. "Okay. Just please make up your mind and be quick. We're running out of time." Seungmin stated.

Chan sighed in relief, "thanks guys." He thanked. No one replied indicating that they had left.

Chan laid his head back on the pillow rubbing his face and whining in stress and frustration.

Chan felt so confused at that point. He wanted to see his friends with every will he had but he also didn't.

He didn't want to hurt himself than he already is. He knew he'd have to leave even if he wanted to stay... he just couldn't.

What about Leo?

Leo was the only family he had in Seoul. After his parents dying, Leo was old enough to take care and provide for Chan.

Now that Chan's moved out and has his own life, he's still looking for a job-at 25 years old. He knew that he was supposed to have a job by now, have a car.

Matter of a fact that car he has wasn't even his. It was Leo's old car.

Chan's life was a mess and it was just getting messier.

Three questions kept repeating in his head: "should I go to the forest?" , "Are these voices real?" And "how am I going to escape this mental hospital?"

Chan couldn't answer it, he had to find out. Chan's thoughts were broken by the grumbling of his stomach.

He was hungry.

He regretted not eating that food earlier and get caught away with crying and panicking.

God, he hated how sensitive and weak he was. He was too caring for a traumatised man. That's what he thought of himself.

He tried toughening up but he couldn't. He cared. He cared too much.

All Chan wanted right now was to curl up into a ball and disappear. Just closing his eyes and entering a dark world. No light. Just black. No emotion. Just black.

And that's what he tried doing. He laid on his side, and pulled his legs up to his chest covering his body with the blanket and he closed his eyes and in a second, he fell into deep sleep.

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