Chapter 17

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Chan fixed his hoodie and pulled up his hood over his head, stuffing his hands in his pocket as he walked home with a wide and proud smile.



CHAN stopped in front of his house, holding his knees and breathing heavily.

He swallowed to try and keep his dry throat moist and dreadfully climbed up to his front porch.

Chan held the wall taking deep breaths. He felt so unfit at that moment-usually he'd go for late night strolls around the neighbourhood or visit the boys.

But for a week, he had been sitting in a bed, talking to himself, and a person, and a chance to only getting two showers a day and eat eat three meals a day-more like forced.

Ever since the boys died ( 3 years ago ), he would lose his appetite and didn't feel like eating.

Chan was forced to eat for his health, and every time he felt like vomiting after.

He couldn't though.

The water in his room would go off at certain times. In the morning it goes off at 8am, causing him also to wake up early so he could shower on time.

Then, the second one started at 8pm and closed at 10pm.

It wasn't so bad for the second one, Chan told himself.

But the feeling of eating some food he didn't know who made, the feeling of vomiting after and just the staying in the same bed gave Chan enough disgust to send shivers down his spine.

Thinking of all that, Chan broke himself out of his own thoughts. His breathing calmed and all he needed to do was to find that extra hidden key.

He walked down his front porch and went to the one and only flower in his front yard.

Chan got down on his knees and grabbed the small shovel he left next to it.

And he began to aggressively dig for the key.

From someone else's point of view, it probably looked as if there was a random, rapid animal on someone's front yard.

Chan's shovel came to a stop when he heard a 'clank', he threw the shovel aside and used his hand to dig up the extra dirt, not caring if his hand will be covered in it.

He felt the key and took it out of the small hole he made. He sighed and laid on the grass, closing his eyes and smiling.

Chan could hear a faint voice from a distance, he ignored it and assumed it was the boys talking to each other.

But the voice became more clear and closer.

"Sir? Sir?" A young, feminine voice spoke from behind him. Chan pressed his lips together and sat up straight, turning around.

"Hi." He greeted back with a shaky voice. There was a young girl around 12 years old with brown hair and brown eyes with little freckles on her face that reminded Chan of Felix.

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