Chapter 9

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"Fine. I'll do it myself." Leo reached into the car and threw Chan over his shoulder.



"LET go of me!" Chan exclaimed trying to get out of Leo's strong grip. Chan heard the boys laugh, "shut up." He growled in annoyance. Leo lets out a satisfied smile.

The automatic door opened by itself. When Leo entered, everyone's attention turned to Leo and Chan.

Chan wasn't even holding back anymore, although he got more mad by the second. He felt as if he couldn't trust his own cousin anymore.

"Let go of me!" Chan yelled louder making everyone gasp.

Leo had a discussion with the receptionist which Chan couldn't hear since he was busy yelling and glaring at people.

Leo then began to follow someone, walking to an unknown room.

The lady scanned the keycard on the front of the door, the light turned green and she opened the door.

"Thank you." Leo thanked and walked in throwing Chan on the bed.

Chan looked furious, pissed, his blood was boiling.

He watched as Leo have a talk with the lady. Leo nodded and walked out of the room as the lady closed the door behind her.

The lady looked around her late 20s, around Leo's age. She had brown hair and little wrinkles around her eyes.

She smiled at Chan and sat on the edge of the bed, "hi-"

"-leave me alone." Chan harshly said, his arms crossed. "My name is Anna." She introduced herself.

Chan muttered something to himself, "okay," he numbly stated. Anna continued to smile.

It irritated Chan on how nice she was even when she was in a situation like this.

"What did we say, Chan?" Minho giggled, Chan clicked his tongue in annoyance, "I said I didn't think about it clearly." He repeated his words from earlier.

Anna listened and watched him, her eyes were narrowed like she's analysing what he could have.

Han chuckled, "okay, okay. Calm down. Maybe we can help you exit?" Han offered. Chan gasped, "how?! When?!" His face lightened up.

"Just let Anna leave first. She's scaring me by how she's staring at us." Seungmin said with a weirded out tone.

Chan looked up at Anna. She straightened her posture. "How old are you, Chan?" She smiled leaning her elbows on her knees.

"I'm 25," he softly answered, she nodded and wrote something down on her clipboard. Chan sat up straight on the bed, trying to get a peek on her clipboard.

"Are you guys with me right now?" Chan whispered to himself, "yeah? Why?" Felix responded, "I need you to see what she's writing." He said in a low voice.

"I'm behind her right now." Felix said as he looked down at the keyboard, "what's she writing?"

Felix cleared his throat, "she's writing something." Chan rolled his eyes, "no shit. What is she writing, Lix?" Felix chuckled.

Felix paused for a while, "mate... she's writing down the symptoms you might have..." Chan furrowed his eyebrows together, "and that is?"

The fellow Australian stayed silent for a while. "She's listening to what you're saying." Seungmin said, Chan's gaze turned to behind Anna, trying to see if he could see any spirits.

He squinted his eyes, "stop trying to look for us idiot. Focus for now." Hyunjin reminded, Chan cleared his throat and nodded, "right. Right. Sorry."

Seungmin sighed, "as I was saying, she's writing down what you're saying." He repeated, Chan covered his face and groaned in annoyance.

Anna stood up holding the clipboard in her hand, Chan didn't remove his hand from his face.

"You should get some rest, Mr. Bang," Chan sighed, "don't call me that." She booped her head and smiled, "sure thing."

Then Anna left the room and the door automatically locked itself, not giving Chan any chance to escape.

"DoN't CaLl mE tHaT." Jeongin mocked Chan, the members bursted out laughing, "haha. So funny." Chan said with sarcasm.

"What are we going to do now?" Chan stood up from the bed, looking around the room.

The room was plain.

White walls, a bed in the middle of the room and a window.

Chan's face lightened up and he gasped, "a window!" He ran to the window, Minho scoffed, "you're an idiot for thinking you can get out."

Chan frowned, then held his hip, "okay then. Since you guys are so cocky. How are you guys going to help me out?" He sat back on the bed.

Changbin sighed, "we're still thinking." He answered.

Chan sighed as well, "please be quick. I can't stay here any longer and it's only my first day..."

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