Chapter 6

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And decided to take a shower before visiting the boys.



CHAN took a longer shower than he thought but he finished. He was now wearing black ripped jeans, a black hoodie and white shoes, which made him stand out. Along with the headphones, of course.

He still used the headphones Minho wanted to give him. Chan kept it with him 24/7.

Now, he was seated in front of the seven graves as he did the first time.

He had been going as much as he could for the past three years.

Telling them how much he misses them, what happened that day and the days before. His plans. And also telling them about how their parents are doing.

But today was different...

He just wanted to sit with them. Do nothing else. Just basically enjoy their presence.

And that's what he did.

He laid on the grass with the headphones on and looking up at the stars with a smile on his face.

Chan had never felt this calm in a while, he felt so relieved, and peaceful.

It felt like all his problems disappeared, he could still feel their presence, their voices...

Their voices?

"Chan." Someone whispered, it was so clear it felt like this 'someone' was right beside him.

Chan furrowed his brow and shot up from the grass, he took off the headphones and looked around the cemetery.

Not a single person to be seen.

His eyes wandered around the cemetery and once it was confirmed that no one was here. He put his headphones back on.

After a minute of listening, Chan heard another whisper. "Chan."

This time, Chan completely took off the headphones and left it on the grass.

"H-Hello?" He said with a shaky voice, obviously very confused and scared. He continued to look around the cemetery.

Chan gulped and looked at the boys' graves in front of him, breathing heavily.

"I'm going to die. Oh my god, I'm going to die." Chan panicked looking at the members' graveyards.

"No. You're not. Calm down." A voice said, he pauses. That voice. He recognised. A tear slipped down his eyes, he looked at Felix's grave.

"L-Lix?" He held his chest, "hi, Chan." Felix's voice greeted.

Chan licked his dry lips and held his hair, shaking his head, "no, no, no. Stop it. I'm going crazy." He stood up grabbing the headphones.

"Channie hyung, please don't go." Another voice begged, he paused and turned around, "J-Jeongin?"

He continued to pant and he walked closer, "w-where are you guys coming from?" He questioned as tears fall from his eyes.

"Just calm down first." Minho reassured, Chan covered his mouth and whimpered trying to collect himself.

Hearing their voices again made him cry, it felt as they were there with him.

"Is it really you guys?" He looked at their graves, "yes. Yes it is. Don't! Don't freak out!" Hyunjin's voiced echoed in his head.

Chan shook his head as if he's trying to get something off his hair, "no! No! This is not real! I'm hallucinating!"

He refused to believe it's true. He missed them but he didn't realise how much he missed them to start imaging their voice.

"You're not, hyung." Seungmin confirmed. Chan froze, "I'm not...?" He straightened his posture.

"You're not." Changbin repeated, Chan took a deep breath, "then where are you guys? I want to see you guys! Please! I miss you guys!" Chan broke down.

Chan heard the boys sigh, "I'm so sorry guys. I'm so sorry for everything!" He apologised. "You didn't do anything wrong, hyung." Jeongin reassured.

Oh, how their voices still sounded the same.

"No, I did. I should've pulled over." Chan laid on the grass on his back.

For the past three years, Chan blamed himself, he's scared to drive with other people in the car, fearing he'd kill them too.

"You didn't do it on purpose, did you?" Han asked, Chan hiccuped and gasped for air, "no. I didn't. Of course I didn't." He closed his eyes. "Hyung, you need to calm down." Felix said with a concerned and scared voice.

Last time Chan heard Felix scared was before the crash, his shaky voice, and scared whimpers.

"Sorry. Sorry." Chan placed his hand on his stomach, taking deep breaths, "good. Now, how are you?" Seungmin questioned.

Chan heard chuckles from the rest. Classic Seungmin, making everyone laugh.

He smiled, "crappy," Chan answered honestly, "you know we've been with you everyday, right?" Hyunjin said.

Chan gasped and his eyes widened, "really?! Why didn't you tell me?! Or like show me?! Like drop a glass or something." He asked in amazement.

Minho laughed, "because that would be a mess."

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