Chapter 2

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Chan cried again as he tried to get up, the nurse poked him with a needle and everything went blurry, and he became unconscious.



CHAN'S eyes fluttered open, and he moved his eyes around the room and took in his surroundings.

He saw a tall figure hovering over him, and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Chan." The figure called his name but it only echoed in his brain.

After a while of blinking, Chan's vision was clear, he took another look at the tall figure.

"L-Leo?" His raspy voice asked, and he licked his dry lips.

His cousin smiled and sighed in relief, "hey baby cuz." Chan softly chuckled but immediately stopped once he realised.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned his cousin, Leo laughed at Chan's stupid question, "oh, I don't know maybe because you just had a fatal accident?"

Leo reminded Chan about the accident, his friends dying.

Chan's expression saddened, Leo noticed and sighed, he sat on the stool near Chan's hospital bed.

"I'm sorry that happened Chan..." he apologised, Chan shook his head again, "s-stop, please." He begged.

Leo nodded, and nervously bit his lip, "the nurse told me what you said." He spoke up, Chan glanced at him, "okay..."

His cousin took a deep breath, "I need you to come for my therapy lessons." He told. Chan scoffed, "you still have that stupid job?" Leo frowned.

"I'll book three lessons a week for you?" Leo said, Chan gasped, "three lessons?! A week?! I'm not coming, Leo." He glared at him.

Leo rolled his eyes, "I'm not asking. I'm telling. You're coming with me, that's final." He said with a fed up voice.

Chan always managed to make his cousin loose his patience, even when they were younger.

"I'll pick you up," Leo continued, Chan crossed his arms and turned his gaze to something else other than his cousin. "Whatever."

Leo crossed his legs and rested his elbows on his knees, "hungry?" He reached for a tray given by the hospital.

Chan looked at the food then up at his cousin, "no." He numbly stated.

Leo sighed in defeat and put the tray back down. "Where are my friends?" Chan asked again, but his voice raising slightly.

But Leo didn't respond. He didn't dare to speak a word.

"Answer me!" Chan yelled, a tear fell down his face. "They're being buried right now."

Chan's face went pale, "r-right now? Where?!" He swinged the blankets off himself. Leo got up from his chair, holding Chan down.

"No! I have to go see them! Please!" He begged as more tears fell down his face, "Chan! Calm down!"

Chan pushed his cousin off him making Leo stumble, and took the needle of his arm.

He got off, and limped for the exit, still feeling weak but he'd do anything just to see his friends again.

"Chan!" Leo yelled from behind him, running after him, but Chan didn't listen. He dashed out the hospital room.

He ran passed the reception and to the exit. The receptionists can be heard calling security guards.

Since Chan didn't have any car or any sort of transportation. He ran to where his legs would take him too.

And that was the train station.

No one was able to catch him. He quickly got on a train on his way back to Seoul and go over to the second oldest friend's house, Minho.

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