Chapter 24

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Well, that was a way to take the pain away.



CHAN'S eyes fluttered open and he yawned. He stretched and looked around the room. He stopped stretching once he realised he wasn't in his room.

He sat up and panic flowed through him. He flinched once he saw that he wasn't wearing a shirt, he opened the blanket and saw he was in fact; naked.

His breathing fastened. Chan cursed himself over and over again. His head was beating and felt a migraine.

He looked at Angelina and only remembered short clips of last night.

Chan looked at the floor to find clothes all over the floor. He saw his boxers nearby. He grabbed it and wore them.

He walked up to his jeans and shirt, he checked his pockets for his room card and phone. And silently, he left Angelina's room.

Chan dashed to his room and slammed the door behind him.

He didn't want to be any longer, he dreaded this place. So much has happened in such a short period of time.

He heard fighting in the background, passed out and woke up to two Felix's, one threatening to shoot him and the other completely numb, he went to club to ease his pain and ended up sleeping with a girl.

Before leaving, Chan hopped into the shower taking a short shower just to wash off from last night.

After, he wore fresh new clothes, he packed his luggage and bag. And in an instant, he left the room, jogging to the reception to drop off his room card.

He breathed heavily as he slid the room card towards the reception lady. She smiled, "thank you." Chan took a deep breath and gave her a thumbs up.

Chan turned around but she stopped him. "Someone left this for you." She stated as she handed him an envelope. Chan stared at the envelope in her hand before taking it hesitantly.

He carefully tore it open, he saw car keys and a letter. He slightly frowned and he unfolded the letter.

"Dear Channie Hyung, we hope to see you soon. And with the car keys we left in the envelope, we hope you reach there well! We love and miss you! Come see us, hyung! And the car is a grey Nissan. Basic but I'm assuming you'll be fine with it. Haha."
- Jeongin

Chan's body froze. "H-How?" He looked down at the letter, then the car keys and then back up to the lady.

The receptionist smiled but with confusion within it. Chan bowed and dashed out the exit with his luggage in his hand and his bag over his shoulder.

Chan's eyes wandered the parking lot and there it was. The grey Nissan parked. Chan jogged up to the car and unlocked it.

He threw the suitcase in the backseat and entered the driver's seat and left his bag in the passenger seat next to him.

Chan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his shoulders slumped and he rested his forehead on the steering wheel.

He opened his eyes and from the corner, he saw a folded note. Chan sighed and opened it. It was the address.

It was in a forest, the forest far away from everyone-in the middle of nowhere.

Chan started the engine, and reversed driving to the forest. Which surprisingly, wasn't that far away from where he was.


OKAY... maybe the place was quite far than Chan expected.

Chan saw a random pathway and he assumed it was the right way so he went with it and it led him into a forest.

He ended up in a forest with tall green trees. Chan switched off the car and got out, locking the door after.

"Follow the path." An unrecognised voice whispered. Chan jumped at it but swallowed and nodded his head in determination.

Chan began walking straight, the crunch of the leaves echoed throughout the forest. Birds, crickets and other bugs made noises.

It was still early, it was only early afternoon.

Chan suddenly stopped when he saw a circle with only purple grass. He stared at the grass for a while then looked up.

He saw a elevator in the middle (the same as the picture in the beginning). Chan debated with himself wether he should go towards it.

"Go." The same voice whispered. "Who is this?" Chan asked quite loudly, his voice echoed. "Don't go, Hyung! Continue straight!" He heard which sounded like from a distance.

"You'll meet us quicker, now go!" Chan licked his lips and jogged towards the elevator. He stared at the elevator for a second.

The only button was pointing upwards. Chan looked up-but no. It was just a random elevator.

Chan inhaled and pressed the button making a loud 'ding'. The door opened, cracking about to indicate that it's quite old.

He entered and turned around to face the door, then the door closed.

Chan looked at the other buttons, there was only one.


Chan also stared at it for a while then pressed it. "Hellevator." A lady repeated. Suddenly, the elevator shoots upwards. Chan held onto the railing and lost all his breath.

Then he become unconscious.

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