Chapter 13

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And that's what he tried doing. He laid on his side, and pulled his legs up to his chest covering his body with the blanket and he closed his eyes and in a second, he fell into deep sleep.


His dream:

"CHAN? Honey? Is that you?" Chan looked up to find a familiar face. His eyes fluttered and his chest rose, "m-mom."

The lady sighed in relief, "Chan." She opened her arms expecting a hug from her son but Chan just looked at her arms then up to her eyes again.

"Are you real?" He questioned, his mom furrowed her brows, "of course I am, sweetie. Come give me a hug." She smiled.

Chan saw the wrinkles around her eyes and her cheeks slightly sagging and grey hair.

Last time he saw her, she was young, and clear skin, cheekbone shining and very exposed, with her brown hair.

Hesitantly, Chan slowly walked up to her and hugged her. Once he fell into his mother embrace, he cried.

He rested his cheek on her shoulder, "I-I miss you mom." His lips quivered. Chan's mom rubbed his back, "me too, honey."

Her gentle voice made Chan cry even more. His heart broke but it felt complete.

Chan opened his eyes opened and looked around, he was in a black room, but just one light shining down on him and his mother.

Chan slowly felt his arms loosening, he broke the hug and saw his mom turn into dust. He breathed heavily and fell onto his knees laying on the black coloured floor.

"Hyung, get up." He heard another voice, his eyes opened again and he looked up, he covered his eyes with his hands due to the bright light on top of him.

The figure moved more closer to try and block the light. Chan's vision focused and he looked at the person in disbelief.

Chan shot up from the ground, tightly hugging him. "Minho!" He hugged him. He began to cry again.

It felt too real.

"Is this you? Is this really you?" Chan asked as he broke the hug and held both Minho's shoulder and his eyes swapping between Minho's two eyes.

Minho nodded, "yes. It is." He confirmed. Chan's body began shaking along with his hands.

He tightly hugged Minho again, making him stumble a bit, "w-where are the others?" He mumbled.

Without realising, Minho tightly wrapped his arms around Chan, returning the hug. "I-I don't know where they are." His voice broke.

Chan broke the hug and cupped Minho's cheek again, "Jeongin? Where's Jeongin? Please. I need to see Jeongin."

"I'm here, hyung." He heard from behind him, Chan turned and his face lightened up. They ran up to each other, engulfing in a tight hug.

"Jeongin..." Chan whispered, "Jeongin..." he repeated again as he rubbed the younger's back.

"Hyung..." Jeongin's eyes closed and he started to tear up. He started to cry on the oldest shoulder. "I miss you Jeongin. I miss you, so much." Chan sniffed.

Jeongin nodded, "me too." He broke down, now full crying on Chan's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Jeongin. I didn't mean too." Chan removed himself from Jeongin and looked into his eyes.

He still looked the same. He didn't even age a bit. He still had those braces from when he graduated. His eyes still light up in the same way.

Jeongin stayed the same.

"How old are you, Jeongin?" Chan asked just in case, Jeongin sniffed and wiped his tears, "18, why?" He answered almost immediately.

Chan looked down, "you're 21, Jeongin..." he reminded, "remember?" Jeongin's eyes widened, "w-what? N-No."

Chan nodded, "yes." Jeongin's eyes widened, "oh my god..." he looked at Chan, "so that means you're 25?"

The oldest bobbed his head but also furrowed his brows. Why was he asking again when he already did earlier?

"I thought you knew?" Chan questioned, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. Jeongin shrugged, "I didn't."

Chan narrowed his eyes as he looked down at the floor, "h-how? I told you. Did I not? Are you sure I haven't?"

Jeongin continued to look at Chan with a clueless look, he awkwardly chuckled and scratched his nape, "no you haven't, hyung. I don't have a clue about what you're talking about."

Chan could feel a migraine forming on the front of his head. He held his forehead, "what is going on?" He whispered to himself.

He sat on the black floor, he looked around, "where even are we?" He glanced at Jeongin. The younger shrugged, "don't know."

Chan continued to analyse the room, "and Minho... where is he?" Jeongin shrugged once again, "don't know." Chan could feel the migraine grow.

His face twinged in pain, he didn't try shaking his head since it'll make it worse.

"Bye hyung." Jeongin greeted, Chan looked up at him and stood up, "no! No! No! Wait!" He tried to hold Jeongin's hand but he faded away too.

Before he knew it, he became unconscious.

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