Chapter 25

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Then he become unconscious.

(If you watched the 'Hellevator' MV, you'd know how the setting looks like)


Time unknown

Chan groaned in agony as he held the back of his head. He rolled his shoulders and rolled around on the floor.

His eyes fluttered open and he looked up to the sky. Feeling too much pain to move.

Someone peeks their head in his vision. "Hm? You're awake?" Han smiled. Chan waved and smiled, he paused then his eyes opened.

"Han?! Han!" Chan got up and tightly hugged Han.

Han stumbled a bit but laughed and hugged him back. Chan cried on his shoulder, "oh my god! It's really you!" He cried out in happiness.

Han sighed and rubbed his back. He was shocked by how buff Chan has gone. His jawline was more sharper, his features seemed more masculine along with his body.

And if he was feeling generous, he could say Chan grew a few inches.

Chan pulled away and looked into Han's eyes. His eyes were filled with tears, Han softly smiled.

"Where's the rest?" Chan's voice cracked. Han chuckled and lifted his finger and pointed behind Chan.

Chan hiccuped and turn around, he saw the rest of his best friend. Chan crouched and cried in the palm of his hands.

He felt a hand go on his left shoulder, and another hand on his right shoulder as they rub his back.

Chan cried harder, he was having a mental breakdown. Letting everything out.

He felt a hand wrap around his right and left bicep. "Okay, let's get you up." Minho said as they carried him to the couch.

Chan wiped his tears. He didn't even get time to look at the place. He lifted his head and his head turned as he analysed the place.

It was long, huge walls, that formed a rectangle shaped house. There was no roof. Litter such as; juice boxes, chocolate wrappers, cup of noodles.

Spray painted doodles on the wall as the spray cans were sprawled out all over the floor. And a red striped couch in the middle of it.

The glass of the windows were broken and it was basically just cut out rectangles.

Chan's gaze turned to the boys. He saw Minho, Changbin, Han and Hyunjin crouched on the floor in front of him with a smile on their faces, and Seungmin and Felix sitting on the arms of the couch.

"Are you guys real?" Chan asked leaning forward and touching their cheeks. The boys chuckled, Minho moved his hand away from his cheeks, "yes we are, hyung."

Chan's lips quivered. He held out his arms for the members and before he knew it, the boys jumped on top of him as they embraced him.

"My boys..." he whispered, ruffling their hair. "You're acting as if we're your kids." Seungmin joked. They all laughed, "well, you guys do act like my children." Chan responded.

Seungmin smiled and shrugged, "fair point, fair point." He raised his hand sun surrender. Eventually, they all pulled away.

Chan scanned the boys' face. They looked so mature, so grown up. Their baby face was completely gone and all that baby face fat turned into sharp jawlines and cheekbones.

He realised one was missing.


"Where's Jeongin?" Chan questioned. "Oh, he's in the bathroom." Hyunjin answered. Chan seemed slightly confused but nodded.

"How are you guys doing?" Chan rested his elbows on his knees. Minho placed his hand on Chan's arm.

"We're doing great, hyung. What about you?" Han questioned back. Chan scoffed and brushed through his hair, "horrible." He sniffed.

The members expression softened. "Now, you're here with us!" Hyunjin said trying to lighten up the mood. "You can stay with us! Forever!" He continued.

Chan shot his head up at the boys, "s-stay? F-Forever?" The boys smiled and nodded, "yes!" They exclaimed.

Chan zoned out staring at the ground, thinking wether he should do this or not. "G-Guys... I'm not so sur-"

"-h-hyung?!" Chan looked to his right hand side and he saw Jeongin. He shot up from his seat and Jeongin ran into his arms.

Chan closed his eyes and ruffled Jeongin's hair.

It scared Chan the most how Jeongin changed so much-he hated to admit it but Jeongin was taller than him.

Chan's arms tightened around Jeongin. He heard the younger sniffled, he rocked Jeongin side to side.

"Shh... it's okay, Innie. I'm here, I'm here." Chan comforted. Jeongin buried his face in Chan's shoulder and cried harder.

"W-We missed you so much. I missed you so much." Jeongin whimpered as he said. Chan broke the hug and cupped his cheeks, wiping the tears with his thumbs.

Chan admired Jeongin's face. "You've grown, In-ah. You've grown into a handsome man." Chan gently said, his lips began to quiver too.

Jeongin chuckled and wiped his tears with his fingers. "I didn't expect you to arrive so late." Jeongin stated.

Chan forgot what time it was. He remembered arriving at around 1pm. He put his hand in the pockets of sweatpants and his phone wasn't there.

He panicked and he began to tap his body looking for his phone. "Guys? Have you seen my phone?" Chan turned to look at the boys sitting on the floor and on the couch.

The members shook their head. "No? Maybe you left it in the car." Changbin said. Chan shook his head and continued to check his pockets.

"No, no. I left it in my pocket." He found out that he couldn't find the car keys either. "And the car keys too."

Chan stopped searching and looked up at the boys. "Can you guys send me like back down?" Chan asked.

Jeongin frowned, "then you won't be able to come back..." the youngest trailed off. Chan sighed as he pinched the corner of his eyes.

Then Chan remembered something.

He paused and looked up at Felix. "L-Lix... that dream I had..."

Felix shook his head, "mate, I don't know what you're talking about." Felix nervously chuckled. Chan furrowed his brows and took a step back.

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