Chapter 3

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No one was able to catch him. He quickly got on a train on his way back to Seoul and go over to the second oldest friend's house, Minho.


MINHO was asleep during the accident, so he basically died in his sleep.

It was near night, around 7 or 8pm and Chan managed to reach Minho's house. Luckily it wasn't far away from the train station.


CHAN harshly banged on the door, tears spilling down his face.

Nobody answered.

Not a single sound could be heard from inside.

Chan stopped knocking and sat on the porch.

Eventually, the night arrived. Chan was still sat on the porch not moving an inch.

Right now he'd be in Busan, eating and laughing with Jeongin's parents and his brothers and the rest of the band.

Here he is now... sitting in front of Minho's house, crying because they're all dead. Except himself.

And oh, how he wished he'd died instead of them, he just wanted to be with them, even if he would sacrifice his life.

But he couldn't...

Something was telling him not to do it.

The boys wouldn't be happy if he killed himself. They'd want him to live life to the fullest, even without them. He knew how they'd lecture him.

Although, he was on the verge of killing himself. One jump, one bottle of tablets, a gun, a knife-the biggest knife in the world-there were so many options but yet he couldn't get himself to do it.

Something was holding him back.

All he wanted was to be with boys, the boys he formed a school band with during Highschool. When they were 15 years old.

How he used to produce music with them, laugh, dance, sing, visit each other's house.

God, he misses them.

His thoughts were broken by a car pulling up, he shot up, drying his tears with his hand and shirt.

A woman dressed in black can be seen exiting the door, crying. It was easy to recognise that woman. That woman was Minho's mom.

"Mrs. Lee!" Chan exclaimed, running and taking her in his arms.

Minho's mom sobbed in Chan's arms, "Chan... you're alive," she broke the hug and held his cheek, looking at him in the eye.

Chan nodded and sniffed, "yes! Yes! I'm alive!" Mrs. Lee hands shook as she wiped his dried up tears.

Mr. Lee walked around the car and saw Chan, his eyes widened, and he tightly hugged him.

"Come on, let's talk inside." Mrs. Lee held Chan's back as she led him into the house as if it's first time.

Mr. Lee closed the door behind them, and they all sat on the familiar couch. Chan and Mr. Lee sat in silence, and could hear Mrs. Lee little sniffles.

Chan rested his elbows on his knees, his hand dug in his hair, "how are you guys?" Chan spoke up.

No matter what state Chan was, he always cared, he never stopped caring.

Mr. Lee sighed, "we're feeling..." he trailed off, not finding the right words how to describe how they felt.

Chan nodded understanding how he felt, "where are they buried?" He asked, his voice raspy, and sounded like he was on the verge of crying.

Mrs. Lee sniffled again, "just 15 minutes from here. The local cemetery." She answered with her gentle voice.

Chan pressed his lips together and nervously bit his lip, preventing from breaking down.

Just hearing that his best friends are buried and are dead. Just hearing the fact that he'll never be able to see them. Ever.

"I thought the doctor said no one would make it out alive." Mrs. Lee said, this caught Chan's attention, his gaze turned to her.

His eyebrows were furrowed, he shook his head to clear his thoughts, "uh. Yeah. I heard..." he stated with disappointment.

Deep down inside him, he wished he died. He wished he was the one died, and the boys making it out alive...

"I'm glad you're alive though." She said with a soft smile. "I'm not glad." He whispered to himself.

The room went silent.

Sighing, sniffling and just the sad atmosphere.

This was too overwhelming for Chan. He quickly looked up making Mrs. Lee flinch and Mr. Lee to look at him.

"I-I should get going." He stuttered, Mr. Lee looked at the time, "it's getting late. Do you want me to drop you off?" He offered.

Chan shook his head, "no, no. I'm fine. Thank you." He let out a smile.

He hugged Mr. Lee, and walked over to Mrs. Lee leaning down, and giving her the tightest and warmest hug.

"You're so strong." He whispered, then rubbed her back. She sniffed and smiled.

Chan removed his arms from her, and she smiled and gentle pinched on his cheek, "you're still so caring as ever, sweetie."

For the first time, Chan lets out a soft chuckle. Mr. Lee tapped Chan from behind making Chan turn around.

"Minho would want you to have this..." he held out headphones, Chan's eyes widened and his shaky hands took them.

Tears welled up in his eyes, "b-but these are his favourite headphones..." his voice broke as he said so.

Mr. Lee smiled, "when... you guys were going to come back from Busan, he wanted to give it to you as a birthday present."

Chan felt his heart break and sink as he heard that, "oh Minho." He whispered, tightening his grip on the headphones.

He put the headphones around his neck, and looked at Mr. Lee and gave him a side smile, "thank you."

He hugged Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee again, and gave a peck on Mrs. Lee cheek before waving goodbye.

He left the house and immediately put the headphones on, and blasted music walking to the cemetery.

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