Birthday baby ~ Amane (fluff)

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° Amane could never forget your birthday, just who do you take him for?

2849 words

You've always loved your birthday more than the average person, but who could blame you? An entire day dedicated to you and only you... just who in their right mind would turn that down?

This upcoming birthday was an extra special one-even for your standards.
Turning thirteen was a big deal, after all. You would officially become a teenager; it was the start of a new era of your life.

And that's why Amane had to make sure your party was perfect and everything was in order-down to the amount of chocolate chips topping each cookie. Your parents were never big into parties so for the last few years he's been planning them by himself. It was pretty easy, all he had to do was keep an ear out for whatever hints you'd drop about what you wanted for your special day.
'hints' was a term Amane used very loosely. You did everything short of pointing out the exact cake topper you'd like.

But this birthday was going to be different. Amane was planning a surprise party. You've never had one before and what better time than the big one three?

He just wanted you to be happy and because of that Amane spent a lot of his free time the days leading up to your birthday party either making or buying things for it.
This cut into his time with you quite a lot.

He'd resolved, until your birthday, to keep you at arm's length, an anticipatory precaution to keep your party a secret until the day of. For the sake of not arousing suspicion, he maintained some form of contact, keeping the flow of your school days unchanged; drastic measures were restricted to the weekends.

Saturday and Sunday the measures were as follows:

One: no thinking about you.

Two: no seeking you out unless you came to him first.

Three: no staring at you when you weren't looking.

Four: no thinking about the sound of your laugh. Or the sparkle of your eyes. Or the way you smelled... Shit, you smelled delicious. And the way your hips swayed when you moved... did he mention your hair yet? Oh he wanted to run his fingers through that hair, so soft; he wanted to bury his nose in it and just breathe, calm and safe and close and...and...

where was he going with this? Oh, right, the list.

And five: no touching you.

Shouldn't be too hard, right?

Well, that's what Amane thought until the day before your birthday, a Friday, when you came bumbling towards him in the school hallway. The day was over and he was hoping to sneak away for some last minute perpetrations but you saw him before he could disappear into the crowd.

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