Shut up, already! ~ Tsukasa (angst/fluff)

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° You and Tsukasa cannot stand each other and for some reason, Mr. Tsuchigomori thinks it's a good idea to put you two in the same room.

3453 words

It all started with a knock. Knock knock knock on the door of Mr. Tsuchigomori's classroom. It was a Sunday so no students should be on the premises. No living students, that is.
Mr. Tsuchigomori was like the responsible parent of all of the eight school wonders, you included. He was respected amongst the apparitions of the school so if he called you into his classroom, you showed up.

However, you were really contemplating blowing this meeting off because the ghost to greet you at the door wasn't Mr. Tsuchigomori, but Tsukasa.

The boy's eyes catch yours and your hand stays frozen in mid-knock formation.
You stand at an arm's length from each other, the space in between holding more tension than a loaded gun.

He blinks; you blink.

Then Tsukasa slams the door in your face so harshly that a gust of wind pushes your hair back.

You can faintly hear Tsukasa's and Mr. Tsuchigomori's muffled conversation inside. The younger saying something along the lines of 'what is she doing here?'

You roll your eyes and push the door open with enough strength to hit Tsukasa in the back of the head and cause him to slam against the opposing wall.

And you make a point to bump shoulder against shoulder when you step past the threshold, choosing to stop and rival in the way he was grimacing in pain.

"You seem to be in a good mood. Killed a few kittens today?" You asked, smiling.

Tsukasa offers you his middle finger in replace of his eyes.
"Just day dreaming about the day you get exorcised. Very soon if we're all lucky"

Slowly, too slowly for his liking, you continued to stalk inside. If you knew Tsukasa was going to be here then you wouldn't have even showed up. His piercing eyes shot from one object to another, never once landing on you long enough to espouse anything more than a back-handed glare.

His jaw was clenching back and forth furiously as you sat on top of a classroom desk. It seemed he was coming to the same conclusion you had earlier. Mr. Tsuchigomori called you both here together.

You sent the Sensei, who was sitting behind his desk, a lazy glance.
"I wasn't told your lap dog was going to be here. I would have brought some treats. Maybe I could have gotten him to sit on command" you spoke loud enough so you knew Tsukasa would hear.

And he did.

"Atleast I don't look like I just crawled out of a dumpster" He insults back like a petulant child.

ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ/ᴛꜱᴜᴋᴀꜱᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ♡ [𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒]Where stories live. Discover now