Nurses office ~ Tsukasa (fluff)

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The premise

° Tsukasa comes to y/n every day in order to treat his wounds.

° however, that isn't the only reason he visits her so often.

3892 words


Y/n sighed to herself as she rummaged through the medical kit where she kept all of the bandages and wraps. The familiar scent of clean blankets on uncomfortable cots and sterile antiseptic spray was all that filled her nostrils.

She glanced up at the student who was waiting for her and they immediately made eye contact. The woman in her early twenties sent a small wink to the teenager before looking back down. Unbeknownst to her, his face flushed, and he scooted closer to her so he could also look through the bandages that she was sorting. Her fingers were skilled and the young boy could tell she had done this many times before. Well, not only could he tell, but he knew for a fact, mostly because he was always the one who caused her to open the medical kit in the first place.

She had to do this everyday for him and it was beginning to take a small role on her mental health. It was her job as one of the Kamome High School nurses to take care of any injured or sick students, but seeing the same kid over and over again with the same scars was starting to worry her.

But what was worrying her even more was that he didn't seem bothered by his injuries in the slightest.

"How many today, Tsukasa?" Y/n hummed.

The younger boy looked over his arms and visibly counted his newer injuries. his body was littered with scars, fresh and old. They all were very similar to each other. Surface cuts around 2 inches in length. They were never deep enough for stitches but were also too deep to simply ignore them.

"Five, y/n" Tsukasa told her with a goofy smile, pointing to each one on his bare forearms and biceps.

Y/n leaned over from her rolling chair and pinched Tsukasa's cheek. He quickly pulled back with a small whine and practically fell back onto the cot he was sitting on.

"What have I told you about calling me by my first name?" The nurse warned even though her lips were starting to curl upwards as she watched him complain about the pain in his cheek.
She cleared her throat and gained her professional composure.
"I'm not one of your friends, Tsukasa. You'll get me in trouble" Y/n spoke.

The teenager sat up fully and rubbed his slightly irritated cheek with one of his hands. While he did so Y/n found the right amount of cloth bandages in order to cover his gashes. The nurse motioned for Tsukasa to place his arm in her empty hand and he did so with no hesitation.

Luckily, none of the other nurses or students were in the room. It was just Tsukasa and y/n.
It was around lunch time.
Tsukasa would typically show up around lunch because he knew he'd be alone with y/n.

Saying he had a crush on her was an understatement.

Y/n was all he thought of, day and night. She was the only reason he wore a smile every day at school. Well, her and his beloved brother Amane. Amane didn't seem to understand Tsukasa's attachment to y/n. Sure, the woman was pretty, but she was also almost twice his age. However, anytime Amane would ridicule Tsukasa about it an argument would start and the twins wouldn't talk to each other for weeks.

Tsukasa didn't like anyone questioning or downplaying his attraction to the school nurse.

He would do anything for her. Including injuring himself to give him an excuse to be in the same room with her...which she didn't need to know about.

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