Study date(s) ~ Twins (fluff/lime)

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° You needed to bring up your grades in order to stay on the cheer team.

° Tsukasa and Amane, the smartest History and Science students in your grade, agreed to tutor you.

6151 words


You had a problem.

A small problem. Like as not, it would fade on its own, but it retained certain... situational relevancies.

The problem being... how you could deal about a situation... the situation being the D minus written in red ink across your report card and the angry glare of your mother from across the kitchen table.

It was your first year and you had just made the cheer team, a goal of yours since you were little. Despite you not being as outgoing or extroverted as the other cheerleaders, you were accepted rather quickly and became a favorite of many.

What's not to like, really? A beautiful girl who didn't know how beautiful she was. It's a situation so desirable that someone could write a song about it.

And because you were so popular, you spent a lot of time hanging out with friends or going on dates with boys who stupidly thought they'd have a chance with you. This eventually cut into your studies and your grades had dropped by 40% in just a few months.

So your parents and your cheer coach gave you an ultimatum.
Either bring your grades up or quit the cheer team.

And with a mid-way year test worth 30% of your final grade coming up, you had to think quickly.

You could probably figure out math and literature. At the end of the day it was just equations and reading, but science and history... those would be hard. You weren't naturally good at either and there is no way you could cram half a semester's worth of information in your head before the test.

So you took a different route and asked yourself: who better to get help from if not the smartest science and history geeks in your grade? And what better place to find them than the library?

So you, clad in your cheerleading uniform, walked into the library in search for the boys. It wasn't often someone as popular as you actually visited the library, but you were down-to-earth enough to come in once every few days to pick up or return a book.

Your search lead you to a table in the corner of the room where your (hopefully) soon to be tutors sat.
One was reading a book about the constellations and their meanings, the other a book about the war in 1812.

The former was humming to himself a tune you couldn't place. His uniform was wrinkle-free and his hair was combed to stay out of his eyes.

Meanwhile, the latter was slouched in his seat and chewing on a pencil eraser. His tie was loose and dangling around his neck and the first few buttons of his collar were undone.

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