Beauty and the ghost ~ Hanako (fluff/lime)

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° Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends-

4057 words.

This... you... Everything was- He was-he didn't-hadn't even... how does this- ju-just what?

Hanako couldn't (wouldn't) believe you. So he watches you, mouth slightly ajar. His brain stalls and you can visually see his pupils dilate. Confusion washes away his frown, leaving on his face a surprised look that spells the same shock he seems to have in his mind.

Taking a step forward, the boy shakes the slip of paper in his hand, almost accusatory, in front of your unamused face.

"But you would make such a good Belle!" He whines as if it's your fault you didn't get the role.

Then Hanako flips through the play's pamphlet in his hand once more as if somehow the name next to 'Belle', beside the 'played by:' text would have changed to yours. He turns around dramatically, blocking the sight of the pamphlet from your eyes as he flips through the pages.

"Well, I'm not" you sighed and leaned forward, trying to grab the pamphlet, but Hanako stretches his arm so it's far from your reach.

"You'd be so cute though!"

The pamphlet is long forgotten as Hanako uses his hands to pinch your cheeks. All while humming praises of how pretty you'd look in the stage spotlight, almost like you were a baby being told how cute you were.

"With these cheeks-" he pushed your cheeks together, despite you trying to swat him away, and it makes your lips pucker. Then his hands drop down on your hips. Immediately your insecurity sirens blare in your head as he gives them a squeeze, but he doesn't seem disgusted by your love handles like you thought he would. "-and God help me if I see these hips in that yellow dress... I might go crazy"

You scramble away from him yet for some reason you can still feel his breath fan under your ear, his hands squeeze your sides, the brim of his hat rubbing against your forehead due to how close you two were.

You shook your head quickly, flushed. Hanako was far too touchy for his own good.

"I already told you, I didn't audition for the role. Therefore, I didn't get it" you hold one arm to your side awkwardly with the other, now suddenly embarrassed to even be standing here.

"But why?" The boy whines like you've done him a disjustice.

You give him a look because, c'mon, really? He saw you everyday, he knew what you looked like, and somehow couldn't piece together why you didn't audition for the lead?

Hanako looks at you like you've got two heads, like the fact that you chose not to audition for Belle was the most preposterous thing he's ever heard.

"I'm not- this isn't-" you hover your hand quickly over your body, motioning to the elephant in the room. Did Hanako really you not get it?
You look down at your body. It was a simply issue, really, if only he just looked-really looked- then maybe he'd see it to.

ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ/ᴛꜱᴜᴋᴀꜱᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ♡ [𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒]Where stories live. Discover now