Found you ~ Tsukasa (fluff)

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The premise

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The premise

° y/n just received a new a new book which she is beyond excited to read.

° however, Tsukasa just so happens to want her attention on him instead of the book

2006 words


"Tsukasa what's your problem?" Y/n asked blankly.

She crossed her arms across her chest as she looked at him impatiently. Above his head he held her most recently checked out library book. It was an entire book quoting philosophers which would seem boring to the average teenager, but was a fun read to y/n.

Tsukasa had snatched it from her while she was in the process of turning the page.

"I've been trying to talk to you forever! But you just can't look away from this thing!" He said, bringing the book down to his eye level so he can scan the cover. The girl watched as his eyebrows furrowed and he tried to mouth out the words presented on the cover.

Y/n rolled her eyes and placed her hand, palm up, in front of him expectingly.

"Just give it back you troglodyte. I doubt you'll even be able to read past the cover" she said with a sigh.

Tsukasa looked up at her and slapped her hand away with the hard cover of her own book.

"And stop using big words!" He whined.

Y/n leaned back in her seat and gently massaged her temples with her thumbs. She was lucky to be the only one in the library at this moment because she felt like she was going to go off on the apparition in front of her at any moment.

She was originally minding her own business reading but of course, just like always, Tsukasa just couldn't let that happen.

"It's not my fault you have the vocabulary of a preschooler" y/n huffed.

Tsukasa's mouth slightly dropped at her insult as he pretended to be hurt by her words. The book in his hand dangled on his fingertips and y/n launched forward out of her seat after seeing the opening.

However, Tsukasa was faster, as he pulled the book back just in time and placed his palm on the girl's forehead so she wouldn't topple into him. Y/n sighed to herself as she uncomfortably laid on the table she just tried to jump across.

Tsukasa grinned and bent at the hip to make direct eye contact with her. Their noses almost touched as Tsukasa snickered at y/n's annoyed expression.

"What are you going to do now miss smarty pants?" He taunted softly. his voice was slightly gravelly as it lowered to an octave y/n hadn't heard from him before.

The small smirk present on his lips was enough to drive the her to do something drastic just to make it disappear. In one swift movement y/n pulled her head back and launched it forward. The teen's foreheads connected with an audible

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