Are you hard yet? ~ Tsukasa (lime) *LGBTQ+*

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The premise

° y/n is transgender (boy to girl).

° After finding this out, Tsukasa decides to embarrass the girl by trying to 'turn on' her male counterparts

1068 words


His greedy hands ran across her neck, squeezing momentarily for a slight thrill only to let go. His lips lightly traced her own, however he made sure to not fully connect them, leaving her desperate like putty in his hands.

He had her pushed up against the wall. His body was close enough that he could feel her own racing heartbeat against his chest.

"You're shaking, that's adorable" Tsukasa spoke.

The girl under him was heavily relying upon his own body weight to keep her up.

Tsukasa tilted his head and pressed a long hot kiss to y/n's jawline. It was the first physical connection his lips had made with her skin.

She raised her right hand as it shook, index and middle finger touching the spot where he had kissed her. A small, quiet whine escaped her. She hated him. She hated how he didn't know the affect he had on her. Or, maybe he did and didn't care, or maybe he just liked messing with her. Tsukasa was sadistic, she swore.

However, she knew his end goal and she was trying everything in her power to stop it from happening.

Tsukasa placed one of his cold slender hands on y/n's knee, slowly rising it up until the ends of her skirt danced on the back of his hand.

"D-Don't plea-" y/n stuttered only to be cut off by Tsukasa.

Tsukasa leaned down and kissed her too-hot mouth hard, sharp teeth pulling at her lower lip, letting go only so his tongue could slip past and explore a mouth that tasted of mint and sugar. 

At the same time, the appirition's hands rummaged under y/n's skirt and placed themselves on her bare hips, playing with her panties that rested there. His thumbs drew circles on her hip bones as the rest of his fingers reached over a massage her lower back.

Y/n was squirming uncomfortably. Not because she hated it, but because she liked it.

She didn't want to give in. She didn't want him to win.

"Good job...kitten." He mumbled against her lips.

She hadn't expected the word to make her heart jump a little. However, her heart wasn't the only thing that began to pulsate with exictment.

Tsukasa pulled back from the kiss and took two of his fingers, warm from having them pressed against y/n's lower back, and pressed them against her lips, to which she hesitantly parted to let him in.

"Look at you..taking it all in. Such a good girl for me.." he muttered. His eyes were glazed over with lust and y/n's were beginning to become the same way.

Y/n could feel her member begin to grow erect, just as Tsukasa wanted. She quickly closed her thighs together to stop it from become noticeable.

The pads of Tsukasa's fingertips rode against y/n's  tongue, testing the water of her gag reflex and pressing down at the back of her throat.

Y/n gripped her hand into a fist which began to tremble tighter as she willed herself not to falter. His fingers had begun to move, pulsing in and out, mimicking what he had wanted to do inside of her.

Y/n let out sharp frill moans against his fingers. It wasn't until Tsukasa noticed how hard the girl had her thighs clenched together that he removed his fingers.

He pulled away, adding a small pinch to her tongue at the end.

Tsukasa smirked down at the girl as he examined her lewd expression.

"Did I win?" He whispered, leaning down so that his hot breath would tickle the inside of her panting mouth.

Y/n grew red in the face and looked away, answering his question indirectly.

Tsukasa placed his knee in-between y/n's thighs and forced them open.

Tsukasa felt y/n's erect member under her skirt against his knee and chuckled to himself.

"Wow..I really thought you were lying. You had me fooled" he said, a bit astonished.

He was referring to the girl actually being transgender. He had never even questioned her reproductive organs because he had assumed they were female, however, when he was told that wasn't the case, he felt as if he needed to see for himself.

Y/n's panties were having a hard time controlling her erection. Tsukasa continued to stare down at the noticeable buldge in her skirt while she hid her face with her hands from embarrassment.

Tsukasa didn't move however, his hands were still pressed against the wall on either side of y/n's head and his leg was still placed firmly in-between her thighs.

"J-just let me go already.." y/n begged quietly.

She felt so degraded. She had fallen into Tsukasa's trap and now he was going to leave her, helpless and embarrassed because he had gotten his answers.

Tsukasa slightly raised his leg to rub against y/n's crotch, causing the girl to moan gently, to which she quickly covered her mouth.

Tsukasa grabbed the girls wrist and pulled her hands away from her mouth, holding them both above her head as he leaned down to lick a strip from her collar bone to her jawline.

His leg continued it's soft pressure movements, only making the girl squirm at the annoyingly little amount of pleasure she was receiving.

Tsukasa kissed the spot on her collarbone that his tongue had just ran across before leaning back up towards her lips, resting his own just millimeters away from hers.

"What a-are you doing?" Y/n whispered into his mouth.

"You already got your answers.." she finished, muttering the last part of her sentence.

Tsukasa gently grabbed her chin with his index finger and thumb, tilting her head so that their lips could fit together like puzzle pieces even though he still didn't connect them.

His other hand reached down to the hem of her skirt, hooking his fingers around it and pulling it up lightly. He pulled up on the elastic and let it fall back into place, stinging the girl's waist just enough to grab her attention.

"I can't just leave you like this, now can I kitten?"



( う-')づ︻╦̵̵̿╤── \(˚☐˚")/ ★

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