//PART THREE// Lifetime rivals ~ Tsukasa (fluff/lemon)

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Tsukasa reached his hand into his pocket, hooking his fingers around the chain and slowly pulling out the necklace.

Y/n quickly reached for it, only for the boy to pull it back like he had once before.

"Come on Tsukasa..just give it back" y/n said in a huff.

The boy swayed back and forth on the balls of his feet. He held the necklace in front of his face, examining it devilishly.

"But we had a deal.." he said softly, a small smile on his face. He had been staring at the shiny cross on the end of the chain even though he was talking to the girl in front of him.

Y/n crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes.

"You like me! I like you! Forget about the deal!" Y/n said quickly.

The girl pouted slightly and kicked her feet against the ground. Y/n looked up and gave Tsukasa the best puppy dog eyes she could.

Tsukasa only smiled softly and placed a hand on her head, patting softly. He leaned down and rested his forehead against hers.

"We agreed that you would get it back once you exorcise me"

Y/n rolled her eyes and flicked the boy on the forehead with her finger, making him pull his head back as he hissed at the slight pain.

"Well I'm obviously not doing that" y/n said in a 'duh' monotone voice.

Tsukasa rubbed his sore forehead as he chuckled to himself. His grip on the necklace loosened a bit and he let it fall into his pants pocket effortlessly.

The choppy haired boy leisurely took a few steps forward, his stride was calm and soft, not matching the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

Tsukasa stopped in front of y/n. A small devilish smile spread across his face and he let his tongue run across one of his abnormally sharp teeth.

Y/n gulped and took a small step back, flinching when her back became in contact with the wall behind her.

"Then, don't you think you need to do something else to make up for it..?" Tsukasa asked, innocently.

His slender fingers danced across the h/c haired girl's jawline before stopping at her chin. Tsukasa lightly grabbed it between his thumb and the knuckle of his pointer finger, making it impossible for y/n to not look at him.

The boy leaned down slowly. He could see y/n's lips quivering and he couldn't help but smile.

Y/n could feel the boy's breath upon her lips. It was enticing to say the least but she was too nervous to make any sudden movements.

"The real question is..." Tsukasa spoke, his words sending vibrations through y/n's open mouth.

The boy looked up from y/n's lips and into her eyes. He dropped his hand from her chin and instead placed it on the first button of her uniform shirt, the one closest to her collar bone.

Tsukasa leaned down into y/n's ear and ran let tongue around her lobe, makings her shiver. He pulled back with an unsteady breath into the girl's eardrum.

"What are you going to do for it?" He asked, finishing his question.

Y/n could feel his fingers skillfully undo the first button on her top. The girl's eyes widened as she felt the cold air hit a new exposed part of her body.

Instinctively, y/n placed her hands on the boy's chest and pushed him back harshly.

Y/n's knees buckled together once the boy's weight was no longer in her. She had no idea how much she had been relaying on Tsukasa to keep her weakened body standing.

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