Fanfiction ~ Twins (fluff/Lime) *LGBTQ+*

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The premise

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The premise

° y/n just wanted to read his fanfiction in peace.

° but ofcourse, peace was never an option when it came to the Yugi twins.

3049 words


Y/n wasn't always such an avid fan fiction reader. He once thought the idea of fantasizing over someone so much that you had to write a story about them was borderline psychotic. Even though he would consider himself somewhat of a sexual deviant, he still had morals.


Until he threw them out the metaphorical window the moment he began reading the cursed text.

At first it was for shits and giggles. A friend of his was caught reading fanfiction during class and in turn, had her phone locked away in the teacher's desk for the day. Apparently the story was so entrancing that she had asked y/n to borrow his phone so she could finish. After cracking a few jokes at her expense, y/n agreed.

(I know phones weren't around back then but cut me some slack please :3)

The end of the day came and the friend received her phone back with only a slap on the wrist from the teacher, but when she returned y/n's device to him, he noticed something peculiar.

The fan fiction sight was still open.

He wasn't planning on reading it...

At first.

But the image attachment of a shirtless male supermodel stopped his finger from hitting the X in the corner of the screen.

Y/n was comfortable with his sexuality, even though he still wasn't quite sure what that was. He didn't feel particularly straight or particularly gay, but he knew he had considered both genders attractive at points in his life. He just labeled it as 'liking who he liked' so he wouldn't have to dwell on such a heavy topic in his teenage years.

The boy scoffed at himself and read the first couple of short chapters just to make sure he wasn't some weirdo like his friend.

But then the fanfiction turned sexual...

And a dent appeared in his pants.

And at that moment he knew he was fucked for life.

Now, almost three months later, y/n sat in the corner of his classroom, quietly and unsurprisingly - horny. All because his favorite fanfiction author just had to upload a new chapter in the middle of class.

Y/n squeezed his thighs together unconsciously as his eyes scanned his phone. His cheeks were flushed. His free hand pulled at the constricting buttoned up school issued shirt he was wearing, needing to keep his blood moving so he would calm down. He inhaled deeply and exhaled shaky breaths.

ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ/ᴛꜱᴜᴋᴀꜱᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ♡ [𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒]Where stories live. Discover now