His addiction ~ Hanako (fluff)

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° In which you give Hanako a little affection and he falls in love immediately.
(Poor boy is down bad)

2570 Words

He was ruined.

Fucking ruined.

You ruined him.

It's a feeling that tugs at his heartstrings with enough strength to snap them. It's a harsh slap to reality, it's a painful memory of what could never be, but it's also addictive. A fear inducing, panic ridden, addiction.

And just like any addict, Hanako needed his fix.


He first met you in class. Not his class of course, he had been dead for nearly sixty years, but his assistant's class. Sometimes he likes to follow her so he can sit on her desk like the most annoying passenger princess and block her view of the board. But it was all in good fun, normally Hanako ended up helping her cheat on an upcoming test as an apology, to which she'd end up getting a better grade than if she actually saw the board in the first place, and then the cycle continued.

Until it didn't.

Hanako is in the middle of a sentence when you walk into the classroom and suddenly the words die on his lips. His train of thought was derailed and replaced with the teacher's voice: "Class, please welcome our new student, l/n y/n"
That sentence repeated in his head like a mantra. Those words replaced all vocabulary he once knew, mouth bobbing and suddenly feeling very very dry.

You sat across from him. Well, technically across from Yashiro but he was still sat on her desk so he counts it. Your hands are in your lap, twirling around the loose threads on the cuffs of your button up.

It looked nice on you, he thought, the school uniform. And if anyone was a proper judge, it as him. Hanako's seen the last sixty years of the girl's school uniform and believe him when he says he practically studied the lengths of the skirts and had the number of buttons on the shirts memorized by heart. (What can he say? He was a teenager and there wasn't much else to do) And yet still somehow, you managed make it look like a completely different uniform. One that Hanako wanted to study again, and again, and again-and then one last time for good measure.

After a few minutes Hanako caught himself staring at you and quickly turned back to the board. That was a slip-up he was very grateful that Yashiro hadn't picked up on.

It wasn't his fault that you looked even prettier up close. It wasn't his fault that he wanted to memorize how you smiled when you asked the girl next to you for a pencil. It's not his fault that he wanted to draw it out down to the minuscule creases and lines of your cheeks...

It's not like he would. He was never an artist anyway...

He briefly wondered what number four was up to.

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