Drop dead gorgeous ~ Hanako (fluff/lime)

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° In which Hanako almost gets himself exorcised not once, but twice, for the attention of a pretty dead girl.

5783 words

You were no stranger to persevering in undesirable circumstances. Hell, your whole life was practically one big undesirable circumstance-from shitty parents to fake friends-and yet you'd managed to trounce your way through with only a few very negligible hiccups.

(Dying and coming back as an apparition didn't count, you'd decided.)

You were never one to let a little discomfort muddle your cognition.
But this.... this circumstance you weren't sure you could survive. Even if dying was technically already off the table.

You see, everyone always said death was like a sweet realise for your soul... that it was the most free any human could ever feel. Well, smartass, if that were true then why in the hell were you still stuck at this damn school?

Once you died you came back as a spirit. The 'eighth school wonder' you were told. Which was basically the equivalent of a middle finger to the face because, c'mon, even in death you still had to go to school?
Needless to say, you weren't a fan and opted to stay out of all of it-choosing to spend your days wondering the halls and doing nothing remotely productive.
You were already being doomed to live eternity as a ghost who haunts the school rooftop, what could be worse than that?

And it's not like there was one hard-headed ghost who just refused to leave you alone...

Oh, wait, there was.


The first time you saw him, he was searching for you.

You were sitting on the school rooftop as a gentle breeze blew the strands of hair out of your face. Being dead felt much more different than you thought it was. It actually felt exactly like being alive. Well, minus the fact that no one besides those pesky exorcists could see you.

It had been a few months since you've died. The school reopened after a two week break and a cheesy pep rally in the auditorium in your honor. You briefly wondered if they'd make your death-day a school holiday. Atleast then maybe you could say you've made some sort of impact on the world you left behind.

"Tomorrow's another day..." you sighed. In your hands was a small teddy bear with a missing eye, a black sticker covering the empty eye hole. Your 'yorishiru' you were told, was a plushy from your childhood. Something you always kept on you, even in death apparently.
"It can only get better from here, right teddy?" You kissed its nose.

"Well it can't get worse" a voice replied. "You're the new girl"

"Who is it!?" You shouted. Twirling around at the sound of footsteps behind you, you caught sight of a boy in all black approaching you from the other side of the room, his cape billowing behind him.

Your eyes narrowed

"Who are you?"

The ghost (and yes, you could tell just by looking at him) bowed with a flourish of his hand.
"Well, my name is Hanako it's a pleasure m'lady" he smiled and you bit back a growl, just then noticing what was in the his outstretched hand.

Your yorishiru.

You looked down at your, now empty hands, and glared back at Hanako.

"Give me that!" You snapped, taking several steps forward, your hand out, only for Hanako's hakujoudai to hover in front him, halting you in your tracks.

ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ/ᴛꜱᴜᴋᴀꜱᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ♡ [𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒]Where stories live. Discover now