Scars ~ Amane (angst)

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The premise

° Amane has been coming to school with mysterious injuries for a while.

° he's never told you why even though you're his best friend

° one day his injuries are worse than ever and you decide it's time to force him to put an end to his secrecy

1825 words

I closed the classroom door behind me. I gave one last look through the window, making sure no one was outside lerking in the hallway before I pulled out the classroom door key from my pocket.

I had stolen it from a teachers desk so I had to make sure no one caught me with it.

After placing the key in the door hole and hearing the soothing sound if it locking, I placed it back in my pocket and turned around, now feeling a little better that no one could walk in.

I'd hate to admit it, but I've done this a million times before. At this point I was just repeating my actions from yesterday and the day before and the day before that.

I walked over to the empty teachers desk. My eyes grazed the many drawers before stopping on one at the very bottom and smiling softly.

I reached down and opened the drawer, pulling out a familiar med kit. I grasped the plastic edges and brought it to my chest. I sighed at the fact that I couldn't remember the last time I had skipped this part of my day.

I made my way to my normal spot in the corner of the classroom and sat infront of the boy who refused to make eye contact with me.

"Yugi..look at me.." I sighed.

The boy was sitting on a desk, his legs on either side of it as his hands layed in between them for stability. I sat on my knees on a chair by the desk. It made me shorter than him but it also made it easier to focus on his injuries.

The bandages I had put on him yesterday were already stained with new blood. Most of them were ripped to pieces. Infact, I was surprised they even stayed on.

This happened everyday. It seemed like the injuries were progressively getting worse but today they peeked.

Normally he came to school with a handful of bruises and some scraps. Sometimes he had the occasional deep cut but today it seemed like all he had were deep cuts.

He never had alot of untouched skin but today it seemed like it all disappeared.

He was covered in harsh scrapes, cuts, burns, and irritation marks.

He didn't like to complain about how much pain he was in but today I could tell, I could see it in his eyes.

Normally every morning I have to force him into this empty classroom but today he actually came with me willingly.

He was wearing the school uniform but I could tell he still had many injuries under his clothes.

Out of respect, I never got any closer than his mid thighs and his shoulders but by the way he was awkwardly moving back and forth I could tell he was hurting alot more in spots that I wasn't sure if I should touch or not.

He hesitantly looked up at me.

The look in his eyes brought tears to mine.

No matter what happens he always had a confident smile on his face. He would preach that he was okay even if everyone knew he wasn't but now.

Now he looked broken.

Broken and hopeless and I hated it.

I lightly grabbed his chin and made him make eye contact with me. He flinched with the contact I made with him and I pouted at his reaction.

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