Kisses and water guns ~ Twins (fluff/lime)

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° Every good anime needs a beach episode

° plus a 1/4 cup of the boys helping you cope with an insecurity.

6124 words

In all honesty, no one was sure how Mr. Tsuchigomori managed to find enough money in the budget to take his class on a beach day. But let's get one thing clear, no one was complaining about it either. Dressed in your school issued swimsuits, your class was packed onto the bus like sardines.

When you arrived a few parent volunteers rounded everyone up for a head count.
You sat down away from the crowd and Tsukasa seemed to have the same idea because he plopped himself on your right, his eyes surveying the crowd of rowdy teenagers.

Tsukasa was your...well, it was complicated.

He pulled your hair in class if you raised your hand and sometimes stole your homework just to erase your name and write his on top, but he also put a toad in a girl's bag after she called you a loser and purposely saved his chocolate milk for you at lunch because he knew it was your favorite.

Complicated indeed...

Amane, who had somehow made it past your radar, was now close enough to hover over you. He had once been listening to the adult's lecture about water safety but it seemed he either got bored or simply wanted to check on you.

"This spot taken?" He asked cheerfully and nodded towards the empty spot to your left.

"Actually, I'm expecting a brainy friend of mine" you shrugged laconically, adjusting yourself ever so slightly to the right to make more room-this only causes you to push up against Tsukasa.

For a second, Amane hesitated, wondering whether to retrieve his dignity from the floor where he had so boldly thrown it.

That was before you huffed out a light-hearted laugh.
That shocked face of his was cute but you didn't have the heart to revel in it.

"You're the brainy friend, Amane" you winked, and curled your fingers in a quick 'come hither' gesture, chortling to yourself as he obeyed like a loyal dog.

You liked Amane, but didn't know him nearly as well as his brother. Lots of times you'd joke with Tsukasa about how you 'befriended the wrong twin' (he never liked those jokes.)

Amane wasn't quite used to your personality yet-those flirty little quirks of yours. Anything of that nature being sent his way was foreign to him. It wasn't necessarily unwelcome however, he would just need some time getting used to it.

Certainly you'd tease him the entire time but that was part of the charm-your charm-so he didn't mind.

Sitting next to the you, he was rewarded with a gentle rub of your shoulder against his own. A little act of affection to show that he belonged right there, right now, and that he was accepted.

"Shouldn't toy with him like that. I almost felt bad for the guy" Tsukasa spoke up in a weak sort of reprimand, yet the curl of his lips seemed to contradict his words.

All three of you erupted in a small fit of giggles.

It was quite funny, you all had the entire beach to lay out on yet here you were, legs curled up to your chest's and shoulders touching as if you were trying to conserve space.

"Alright everyone stay close to your buddy and remember not to swim past the buoy!" A parent volunteer yelled, releasing your classmates to run into the water in a frenzy.

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