1964 ~ Amane (fluff)

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The premise

° A festival is being held in the summer of 1964.

° young y/n is one of the attendees and she meets a boy there, about the same age as her, who will unknowingly change her life forever

2418 words



My hand gripped onto the plastic tee-ball with as much force as I could muster. My eyes steadied on the tower of soda cans about a meter away from me.

This was my seventeenth try but I knew it would be my last. I could taste it.


So I reeled my throwing arm back with as much might as I could and propelled the ball off of my finger tips to make it go faster.

My body was stuck in my throwing position as I watched my ball make it's way to the pile of cans I so desperately wanted to knock down.

My eyes titled to the pile of toy dinosaurs hanging behind the cans by the man operating that booth. I would spend my life here if it meant I got to have one of those dinosaurs but I wouldn't have to because I could sense my ball's fast movements about to topple the tower and earn me my prize.

My eyes widened as I watched it hit dead center but my excitement quickly faded.

The ball wasn't going fast enough so the tower of cans simply stopped its movements instead of falling down.

I sweatdropped as I watched the ball slowly roll back to my feet and I looked at it with disappointment. The second it hit my feet, my sadness subsided and all I felt was rage.

"This is so rigged!" I yelled to the man operating the booth

He only looked back at me with a snicker. He then bent down a little to reach my height.

"There is an age requirement...I did tell you.." He said, laughing a bit and pointing to a sign behind him.

Age requirement: 6+

I openly gasped at what he was implying and I puffed my cheeks out at him, trying to come off intimidating.

"Im eight mister!" I said harshly but I knew he didn't end up taking me seriously.

Suddenly, his chuckling stopped as he heard the sound of his pile of cans toppling over.

Both of us looked over at the sudden noise. I was surprised that the sound even existing, that it was even possible to win the game.

Standing by the booth with a happy smile on his face was a boy. He looked about my age and it seemed that he won on his first try.

He looked over at the man whom was still standing in front of me and smiled brightly.

"What's my prize?" He asked happily.

The man did a double take and looked between the boy and the knocked over pile of cans before sighing.

I watched as he turned around and walked behind him, grabbing a stuff dinosaur off of the shelf.

I gasped as the man grabbed it. He handed it to the boy who simply took it and held it under his arm.

I felt my eyes start to tear up as I watched how he treated the poor dinosaur.

He didn't even care!
He wasn't holding it like I would!

ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ/ᴛꜱᴜᴋᴀꜱᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ♡ [𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒]Where stories live. Discover now