'Play'date ~ Tsukasa (lime)

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The premise

° Tsukasa has been begging y/n to have a play date with him for months

° being bored out of her mind, y/n finally agrees and oh boy, does Tsukasa have the best 'play'date in mind

2808 words

"What about today!? Please y/n, can we today?!" Tsukasa whined in my ear.

I resisted my instinct to slap him away due to the many students that were walking in the hallway just like I was.

I groaned as I budded my way through the crowded students, bumping shoulders with multiple fast moving teens.

I sometimes had wished that I was an apparition like Tsukasa. Watching him float through the crowd with ease almost made me want to be dead. Well, that and his annoying whining.

Tsukasa moved in front of me, blocking my view of the students I was trying to avoid in a desperate plea for my attention.

"Tsukasa...move" I mumbled out of the corner of my mouth.

Thanks to the boy, I was known as the crazy girl of my school due to the many instances that people have caught me 'yelling at myself' when in reality I was yelling at my floating stalker.

He placed a hand to his chin and levitated slightly, giving him the appearance of being taller than me when infact I was a few milimeters taller.

Yes, we measured.

I could tell an idea came to his mind as he gasped happily

"I'll move if you agree!" He said, moving closer to me making it almost impossible to navigate the crowed hallways.

Instead of answering, I simply moved to the side, bumping shoulders with a few people as I pushed my way past them and smiled contently when he wasn't in front of me anymore.

That happiness didn't last long when I saw him roll onto his back mid-air and start to have a temper tantrum.

He did this a lot, so I was quite used to his childish grunts and throwing of his own fists in the air.

But the sounds of chatter around me mixed with his childish mannerisms were simply too much to ignore.

I groaned silently and bawled my hands into fists. I acted as if I was fixing a strand piece of my hair but I was actually grabbed the boy by his collar.

I pulled him closer to my face, he grew a smirk and I rolled my eyes at his naughty thoughts.

"After school. You have an hour" I seethed

I could see his yorishiro crinkle as he smiled brightly. He wiggled out of my arms and the moment I let go of him he disappeared.

I had never been able to make him leave me alone so quickly. Infact, I've actually never been able to get him to leave me alone ever.

I smiled to myself before continuing on with my day, not seeing any reminisce of him all through out it.

The end of the school day came quicker than I would have thought.

I was in my last class of the day, packing up just like everyone else when the bell rang. Expect, almost on que, the second the bell rang Tsukasa appeared in front of me.

I fell back in my chair in surprise and let out a small shriek. When I felt my back hit the bounce back of my chair I groaned in pain. I sat there on the ground for a second before the concerned voices of my classmates whom were still in the room convinced me to get up.

ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ/ᴛꜱᴜᴋᴀꜱᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ♡ [𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒]Where stories live. Discover now