Help me help you ~ Amane (angst/fluff)

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The premise

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The premise

° Y/n stumbles upon the wrong boy at the wrong time or perhaps, the right boy at the right time.

2160 words

Y/n stood still, astonished of how beautiful the sky was that night.

It was something she did often. No, no, not sky watch. She was not particularly interested in how the clouds nor stars came to be. She was more just simply interested.

Everyone who knew y/n knew of her curious nature. It made her friends, enemy's, it even managed to get her in trouble quite a few times. Yet everyday she goes back to the same rhythm, the same pattern.

The day started like any other. The young girl was simply going on a nightly stroll to feed her curiosity. The she just so happened to be captivated by the night sky.

To her, she was gazing onto an open canvas. A canvas with wisps of cream and light, all billowing through the wind and forming together, making a beautiful masterpiece.

To others she was abnosialy standing still in a strangers front yard.

Y/n knew the boy that lived there, even though he didn't know her.

A boy who was always of the utmost positive nature. He even managed to sometimes match the girls chaotic energy enough to ve comparef to her. He seemed like he had the perfect, loving life.

Although, Y/n was getting ready to find out that wasn't the case.


Y/n jumped at the loud crash, jolting herself out of her gaze. Her attention was diverted to the house behind her.

It looked like a normal family home. Flower beds planted nicely by the windows which were laced with nice curtains from the inside. The lawn looked freshly mown and the house itself was painted nicely.

It looked like the perfect comforting home.


Y/n flinched at the loud scream. This was no perfect family home. This was no perfect family. The door to the house seemed to be shaking by all of the commotion going on inside.

And almost in a instant, without the girl having the time to make any movement forward, the door swung open.

Y/n almost fell back in her spot on the lawn due to how startled she was.

The noise coming from the house and the door almost flying off the hinges caused the girl to scramble off of the yard and onto the neihboring sidewalk where she should have been standing in the first place.

She had the feeling that she didn't want to get on the bad side of whoever lived in that house.

Once she had placed herself firmly on the sidewalk, a firgure appeared, emerging itself from the house and running full force out of the door.

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